Too Much Info

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You ate across from him, peering at his sword occasionally. He smiles a bit, glancing at you. "Are you curious about the way of the sword?" His golden eyes piercing into yours. You feel a shiver go through you, he made you weak at the knees.

"Kind of, no one really uses swords on Earth anymore." You shrug. "I suppose they're just no good with them." You hum glancing down at your food.

"Or maybe they weren't trained properly." He says watching you. You shift, peering at him after feeling his gaze.

"True.... I would like to see what else you can do..." You admit.

"Then I'll take you with me." He decides with a smile. "I've been in need of a traveling companion, space gets lonely." You blink in surprise and smile with a light blush.

"That sounds nice." You murmur looking away with a smile.

"It's settled then." He nods.

You never imagined anything like this before. The comet flying just above the ship. You stretch up, fingers feeling the crystals and ice dust that made the tail. A smile comes to your lips and you reach your other hand up. Mihawk watches you with a smile, making the ship bounce up and totally sending you into the tail of the comet before swiftly bringing you back down. You gasp looking down at your glittery body before glowering at him as he laughs lightly.

With a smirk you hug him from behind and rub your glittery cheek against his. He laughs more pulling away from you and checking himself over, finding himself glittery as well. He raises an eyebrow at you and you smile victoriously. "We're both shining now aren't we?" He comments, taking your hands and pulling you into him. You blush, giggling lightly.

"Yes, and it's all your fault." You tease lightly. He smiles at you, chest rumbling with a chuckle.

"Do earthlings dance?" He asks with a head tilt. You shift at that, feeling curious.

"They do, but I never really learned other than slow dances..." You admit sheepishly.

"Show me?" He requests smoothly. You blush a bit more, rubbing your cheek.

"Sure..." You murmur moving one of his hands to your hip and taking the other in your hand. Moving your free hand to his shoulder, you shyly meet his gaze. "Now we rock from side to side and turn about slowly." You breathe, coaxing him gently into the dance. He goes along with it, smiling softly at you.

"This is lovely, is there one where I can bring you closer?" He inquires. You drop your gaze and nod, bring his other hand to your hip before intertwining your fingers at the back of his neck, blushing heavily. He chuckles lowly, peering at your face. "Are you okay? Does the close proximity make you nervous?"

"I'm just not used to it... And you're really handsome..." You murmur quietly. That made him smile more.

"Thank you, and I hope you get used to it..." He moves his cheek to your temple, rubbing your hips softly. Relaxing a bit you close your eyes, enjoying this dance. Mihawk brings you closer with each turn about. This was really nice, he was warm and firm. "I could do this until the next station..." He murmurs. You giggle lightly, nuzzling his neck.

"That sounds nice..." You breathe. He pulls back, finding you already drifting off kinda.

"We will continue this later." He breathes picking you up. "Would you mind sharing my bed?" He inquires, gazing up at you. You blush and hug his neck, hiding your face.

"Just to sleep right?" You inquire carefully.

"And to keep you close." He adds carrying you inside to his room he lays down with you as his clothes change to just night slacks. You blush, peering at his muscles, touching your clothes and changing them for bed time. Mihawk gets comfortable, holding you close. "Sleep well ___." He murmurs and you automatically pass out. He watches you for a moment or two, fingertips trailing over your body. "I already wish to make you mine."

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