Mood swings

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Ignis x reader(requested)

You were having mood swings because you were on your period.yaaaaaay (pokerface). You are best friends with Ignis who was worried about you estate. And now you guys are in a romantic relationship now and this how it happened.

You woke up being grumpy as fuck and you saw your bed covered in red.

"FUCK MEEEEEE!" you yelled so loud at everyone in the kingdom heard it.

"(yn) are you ok my lady?!" you heard Ignis say.

"GET OUT!" you yelled at him. You slammed the door and locked it. You took the sheets off and washed it the best you can. And successfully you did.

Time skip brought to you by Noctis and Prompto doing Gangnam style-

You walked out of your room and you saw Ignis.

"Ignis i'm sorry i yelled at you in the mor-MMPH!" you felt soft lips on yours kissing you passionately. You eyes widened and you kissed back.

"i've fallen in love with (yn). Will you be mine?"

"A-alright. 0///0"


And that's what happened....

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