Requests anyone?

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Hey everyone i see that you love my stories so far. So i was wondering can you possibly give me a request of a story for me? Or at least a story idea, lemon, limes, fluff, just anything honestly. I'm kinda running out on ideas and i really don't wanna end this book already since i love writng for you guys. So if you don't want that from happening then please please please give me a request i really need one right now.😣

I would like to give one shoutout to someone:

I honestly love how this person thinks. I've been reading their stories and i love the stories alot. And basically they've been reading my stories ever since i posted the first chapter. And there not the only one. You guys have been there too it's just FantasyLightning has the best story ideas i've ever seen for a final fantasy story. To be honest, i actually a fan of this person.

So i'll do more shoutouts of people in the next update, but mainly right now it would be FantasyLightning. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MAN!!😊

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