Training pt. 1 (draft)

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Cloud x reader
You were working as a police officer for 7 years already and you've been training the new officers, picking them to work for you when they were ready. But of course.....only one new officer changed your life.

(Yn)'s p.o.v:

I got 3 new officers with me. There names were Zach, Cloud, and Tifa. Tifa and Zach work really good together. But when Cloud joins, it's turns into an unstoppable team. What annoyed me at first was when Cloud would never talk to me when I wanted him to, but I later found out by Zach why he wouldn't talk. Tifa says that he's only shy but I never believed that he would be the kind of person to be shy around new people.

Oh well...

Me, Zach, Tifa, and Cloud are on a mission to find professional killer on the street. I split the group up to find the killer and arrest him for his crimes. My split up was obvious, Zach and Tifa and then there was Cloud and me.

Time skip

Cloud is my first crush to ever get along with me. We were searching in an alleyway, and how cliche it is, he was behind us. Sephiroth was the criminal we were looking for, for 5 weeks already. And now we found him.

A/n: sorry i haven't been updating for a while, i've been busy and stressed out with ideas. So if you want more of this oneshot of Cloud, comment for part 2. And tell ne how i should end it.

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