What you've caused me

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Ignis x Serena

Requested by: FantasyLightning

Sorry I took so long on this story but please enjoy and request for a oneshot in the comments. By the way there are SPOILERS in this story if you haven't finished the game. Which reminds me, I finally finished the game a couple of days ago and it was great.

Serena was desperate to see her boyfriend Ignis again since she lives in Insomnia. After the incident in Altissia for Noctis and the others, Noct hasn't been the same after the death of Lunafreya. Serena was devastated herself with Luna's death. She was worried about Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis' condition during the big bloodshed. Serena always had Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis' number on her phone. She suddenly got a call from Noctis.

"Hello? Noctis? Is that you?" Serena asked in a worried voice.

"Yeah.....it's me." He said in a depressed voice.

"I know it wasn't your fault that Luna died. She made the decision to sacrifice herself to protect you and everyone else, but mainly you since everyone needs YOU right now. Your their only hope now ok Noct?" Serena said.

".......thanks Serena, I guess your right. I guess I'll move on just for her. I know she wouldn't want that."

"No problem Noct. So what did you call me for?"

"Oh right.....I wanted tell you about Ignis' condition right now."

Serena started to feel uneasy where this was going.

'Is Ignis ok? Please tell me he is.' Serena's thoughts were filled with worry.

"He.....he damaged his eyes during the war in Altissia. I'm sorry Serena, but he can no longer see. The scars on his eyes are bad just looking at it. But he told me to tell you not to worry. He said that if your ready to talk to him then speak now or forever hold your peace." He explained.

Serena was in total shock and disbelief with what Noctis had said. But she decided.

"I want to speak to him." Serena said almost in tears.

" Alright. Hold on." Serena heard him walking to find Ignis.

Serena wanted to hear Ignis' voice one last time before their final mission in saving the throne in Insomnia.

"Hello?" Serena heard Ignis' voice.

"Ignis...I heard about your injury  with your eyes. Are you sure you wanna continue this journey while be blind? I just......miss you SO much Ignis. Every night, it's difficult for me to sleep without you. All I can say is....please promise me you'll come home safe." Serena couldn't hold her tears and started to cry.

"Serena...I'm sorry....I didn't know that I hurt you.  And I have to continue this journey, it will be risky but I'll try my best to come home safe." He said in a guilt voice.

"*sniff* o-ok. I love you Ignis. And tell the boys to be safe too please."

"I will, trust me. And I love you too Serena. If anything happens in Insomina call Noctis, Prompto, or Gladio right away."

"Alright. Please be careful."

"I will"

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