Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

  As I pulled into the parking lot of the diner I started notice little red orbs lighting up my vision. I felt dizzy and couldn’t keep my balance as we walked to the front doors.

“You look like shit.” Coal stated grapping my arm to keep me upright. I stood a tad taller and glared at him.

“Thanks we all want to hear that.” I ripped my arm out of his hand but that lead to my face almost meeting the pavement.

“When was the last time you ate anything?” He questioned. Apart from an orange and a muffin I hadn’t eaten in five days. I felt empty and know my mind seemed to be reacting to the malnutrition.  At the counter I could see more spots and Coal ended up having to order. We got with four bacon cheese burgers. One with no pickles for Richard another with extra cheese for Coal himself, Hayden’s had no tomatoes and mine was regular but I’d end up taking off the bacon.

“That’s nasty.” I said at the napkin booth well Coal piled relish on his burger. I had stuff my mouth with a handful of curly fries so I could see clearly again.

“Like that’s any better.” He looked at the mustard I poured in the shape of a star on the top of the bun. When we were done I took a handful of napkins and tossed them in the bag. We drove back to Fishers both taking fries like thieves, only when the other was looking.

“Are you ok?” Coal asked. He should have asked before he let me drive. “Mentally.”

“What does that mean?” I didn’t think we were talking about seeing spots anymore.

“Well after I went to the dream room, I couldn’t close my eyes without seeing nightmares for weeks.” It was hard to think about. Yeah every time I blinked I saw the sliver razor. I must have been the only one he could really talk to about. I wouldn’t have even told my teddy bear how my metal state was lately.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I tried to focus on the road.

“What did you see in the room?” He was testing my patience.

“It was a room made of musty old wood, there was a door, a Torcher table and a sink with a dusty mirror.” I let my breathing slow a bit. The more words I described the room in the better I felt about it. Probably why Coal kept pushing the subject. “And then there was Aiden.” I didn’t even want to mention him. I had let my mind wonder. I shouldn’t have said anything.

“Who?” Coal asked confused. I had half wished for him already to know Aiden for who he was.

 “No one.” I said quickly. I pulled into the parking spot the sierra was in before. I lunged for the door but Coal gripped my wrist.

“Was that the evil that held silver razor’s name?” He asked a tad harsher than before.

 “He didn’t mean to hurt us!” I screamed and Coal jumped back. I couldn’t figure out why I was defending a dream boy. Coal fear face quickly changed back to angry and questioning.

 “He was a dead zombie with flesh rotting off him.” Coal didn’t see him for who he really was I guessed.

“No, he was forced to look like that.” We were fighting like six year olds. Over a Dream that brought us where we were now. That was the past, I was done with this. There was nothing to discuss. “You know well never go back there, There’s nothing to talk about.” I finished looking him in the eye.

 “I guess the past is the past.” Coal said in a more soft tone. He let go of my wrist and we both started for the door of room 109

  Back in the room Coal went straight back to his bed and I walked over to Hayden and sat on the other side of the table. Hayden took the bag from my side of the table and pulled out the one the said no tomatoes.

“I found another case not too far from here.”  Richard said from the sofa. He had a laptop on his lap and the news sat to his left.

“Already.” Coal moaned for the bed. Hayden leaned over the table well Richard had his head down and I had taken my burger from the paper bag.

“He’s a mad genius that will never let us rest.” Hayden whispered and I tried to hold in a laugh.

“Monsters don’t rest Hayden.” Richard said coming up behind him. Hayden’s expression changed as he passed Richard the one reading no pickles.

“So what do you have?” Coal asked coming up behind me. I passed him the extra relish extra cheese. Richard walked back to the couch and picked up the newspaper.

“A thirty two year old man named Daniel Morley died in a car crash, Prophetstown Illinois.” Richard said.

“Wow a car crash, that’s supernatural.” Hayden remarked sitting deeper into his chair.

“It’s wasn’t the car crash stupid.” Richard said throwing the paper on the table. “There was a witness that swore that there was someone else in the car with him.”

“But there wasn’t anyone but the vic found in the car.” Coal said.

 “And all the doors of the car were locked.” I guessed. And Richard gave me a weird look.

 “It’s like you’re a professional.” Hayden joked. I rolled my eyes. I had found the guess to be pretty obvious when hunting monsters.

“We leave tomorrow morning.” Richard said. I finished eating before everyone else and went to go take a shower. I fatally scared to go in the bathroom. I didn’t want to be alone first of all and I didn’t want to know what to boys could do to a bathroom. It was decent, but they had their toothbrushes littered all over the sink counter. After I had showered and changed into pajamas I walked into the boys agreeing on sleeping arraignments. There were only two beds and a couch so someone would end up on the floor. The day had gone by surprisingly fast I found.

“What about Jenna?” Coal said and stepped back a foot.

“I can sleep on the couch.”  They all turned to face me as a joined them in front of the beds. “You should flip a coin.” I said realising no one cared enough to offer me a bed.

 “I’ll flip, you call it.” Richard said pulling out a nickel and pointing to Hayden. “You win you get the bed. I win I get the bed.”

“What about me?” Coal asked right before the coin left Richard’s hand

“Tails.” Hayden called. The coin landed in front of my feet and leaned over to pick it up.

“It’s heads.” I answered. Hayden growled and pulled a pillow off of Richard’s bed who was smiling.

Soon later Richard was snoring and Hayden looked like he fainted and no one bothered to help him off the floor. My eyes flutter stut soon after. But I could slightly see Coal holding his knees and staring out the window at the cars passing. My last waking thought was that Coal wouldn’t be sleeping very well tonight. But neither would I.

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