Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty-Five

  Three days had passed since I had promised Aiden to be there for him. After I had left the room I had woken up to Richard and his content band of questions about the witness. Over the three days we still hadn’t come up with anything on the vampires and I hadn’t seen Aiden again. I had finally got to sleep on a bed when only five hours into the dreamless sleep my cell phone on the night stand buzzed uncontrollably. I refused to answer it until Coal picked it up and pushed me off the mattress.

“Who is this?” I heard his voice say as I slowly lifted myself off the floor. I heard the sound of screaming coming from the speaker as he passed me the phone. “For you.” Coal said when I didn’t take the phone from him right away. I looked around the room as I grasped it from Coal and noticed Hayden was gone.

“Hello.” I answered in a sleepily tone.

“Is this Jenna because this is Natalia.” I heard her panicked voice howling through the power lines.

“Yeah this is Jenna, is something wrong? I asked trying to sound more awake. I could hear her breathe hyperventilating in the background.

“I’m being chased by these two boys’ ones really short with black hair and the other is blond.” She sounded too preoccupied to really describe her attackers to me. “You’re the only person I could call you need to come help me.” Her voice shook.

“Ok where are you.” I asked and was about to asked Coal to call 9.1.1 when I remembered the case. The vampires had been going after teens late at night and Natalia had said they looked like the boys Cayce had described. This was the chance we had been waiting for.

“The warehouse just outside of town.” My heart stopped. The building had haunted me for a while after I had seen it and now I had to go face to face with the scary building.

“Ok we’ll be there soon.” I answered and then flipped the phone shut.

“Jenna what is going on?!” I finally recognised Coal who was trying to get my attention ever since I had woken up myself.

“That girl I met earlier is being chased.” I said urgently.

“By vampires!” Coal said and his energy level flew through the roof. I nodded and he light up even more. “Where is she?” He said and began to rush to get ready. “We have to go now.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for Hayden or Richard?” I asked following his lead.

“No we can handle a couple of vampires.” He said smoothly and I swallowed my mini heart attack.

“But what even kills vampires?” I said and pulled my coat off the bed post.

“Solid gold bullets and cutting of their heads.” He said and took the keys for the sierra out of Richard’s coat pocket that he had left in our room. Coal threw the keys across the room and I barely was able to catch them. I didn’t ask any more questions as we ran out of the room and I pulled the sierra out of the parking lot.

“Are you scared?” I asked Coal as the sierra’s tires squealed down the asphalt.

“No.” He answered without taking his eyes away from the window. “Are you?” I didn’t want to answer him. The truth was I was terrified to go up against something with the comforting back up of Hayden or Richard.  

“No.” I lied, which I was pretty sure Coal could tell by the way I was driving.

  We turned down the road that led to the warehouse and a million and one thoughts were racing through my head. I wouldn’t have notice it if Coal hadn’t yelled my name. “Is that a deer?” I asked after the sierra had suddenly come to a stop in front of the animal. Looking closer I noticed that the mammal was surely a white tailed stag in the middle of Arkansas. I tried to inhale the air around me but I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.

“That thing could have killed us.” Coal said pointing to the deer that hadn’t moved any more than we had. “Or worse it could have damaged Richard’s truck.”

  We waited for a bit longer and the animal still hadn’t moved an inch. It looked at the windshield as if it could see into our souls. I saw it blink and then it shimmered away like a reflection in lake water. “Was that an omen?” Coal asked as the last fragment of the apparition faded into nothing.

“Beats me.” I said and started the engine of the truck up again. As I began to pull away I saw her standing on the edge of the road. She had a wicked grin painted on her face and her pale silver toned eyes looked to be staring at the truck.

“Who is that?” Coal asked shocked. He must have seen her to which made me wonder if he had been seeing them as much I had.

“She’s a fearful.” I said. We had pulled far enough away that she was out of sight. “I didn’t think you could see them.” I said and Coal didn’t react at the slightest. It made me wonder what was really going on in his head.

  Soon after the sierra pulled to a stop on the gravel road in front of the abandon warehouse. As I had stepped out of the warmth of the truck I could see that the warehouse didn’t look abandon. The trucks and cars I had seen there before were still there but all in different spots. There was light beaming out through the cracked windows, but hardly a sound coming from inside.

“Let’s go around back.” Coal said and started to the left of the massive structure. I took a silver pistol full of solid gold out of the truck after me. When I turned the corner and stood at the back of the building with Coal all we could see were fields of blueberry orchards.  

“You hear that?” Coal asked gazing off into the fields.

“Here what crickets?” Crickets were the only sound I had heard since I got out of the truck so I couldn’t understand what Coal was getting at.

“Exactly, only crickets.” He stated and the tension on his blade got lighter. “Should there be some type on sounds of struggle if your friend was still being chased?” I nodded and watched the blueberry trees sway slowly back and for. If the stone tape theory was real these plants hadn’t seen anything worth recording that night.

“Maybe their inside the walls?” I suggested and glanced over at the dead quiet warehouse.

“We might as well check, but I doubt it.” Coal said as we walked side by side back to the front doors. Standing in front of the steel doors I could feel my heart beating against my ribs. I didn’t know if I could handle whatever I was about to face engaged in the halls of the rotting white wood walls. Coals went to pick the pad lock hanging from the door but realised it was already cut off.

  He pushed the door in and we both walked in trying not the make a sound. When I was well in I could see that the warehouse was covered in dirt and dust. The cracked windows were hung on empty walls and there were a couple wooden boxes laid out around the room. The one thing that stood out to me the most was how the five big rusty pipes feed from the roof to the floor and supported the wooden beams on the roof.

  I noticed her as my eyes were taking in the finer details of the pipes. She looked like one of the missing person cases I had read over a billion times. Her chocolate brown hair full in front of her eyes and the vivid pink strikes I had seen in the picture were faded. She was chained to one of the pipes on the far right. I knew from the paper that her name was Emily Ellis and she was thirteen. She looked like her forehead was bleeding and her breathing seemed swallow.

  As I went to mention Emily to Coal he was already yelling out my name again. I turned to face him but instead I saw someone else standing right in front of me. In a spilt second I noticed how the boys black hair was swayed and how he was much taller than me. The last thing I saw was the bloodstained baseball bat in his hand which was swinging towards my face.  It splintered as it hit my skull. My knees buckled and I watched the black light blanketed me as I lost all my awareness of reality. 

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