Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

   I slammed the leather book shut. Coal gave me a strange look and then just went back to what he was doing. I got up and began to walk across the room. Suddenly a deep pain shot through my head and I fell on the couch hard. I held my forehead trying not to scream. I faintly caught a glimpse of Coal standing beside me. “And then the Passionflower kicks in.” I heard before I felt my muscles relax and I slowly dosed off.

  I woke up in a field. It was full of daisies and tall aspen trees. I couldn’t understand where I was or why. I knew I was dreaming but this was dream was to quiet. Soon the field turned into a battlefield and the war was me against an army of black man with white eyes. I ran for it but a brick wall appeared in out of nowhere. They all were surrounding me. Their cold hands were running through my hair. White eyed pricing my soul. Screaming, I started to shiver. The sky above me was a black hole. Then out of nowhere I could hear someone screaming my name. I couldn’t make out the voice. A hand, flesh and blood reached out through the swarm of white eyes. I laced my fingers in between the hands and it pulled me out of the group. Sun blinded me when I walked back into the field. Blinking the dream faded.

  When I looked up from my shoulder to see I was in the room again. The sink and the bed were in the same place. The one thing out of place was Aiden. He stood beside me with my hand in his. I took my fingers from his. I gripped my right arm with my left and let out a rattled breath. Normally I would have had to live through the whole dream without a spark of hope until morning light. I had been ripped out of the nightmare into Aiden’s room as I had come to call it. “Hi.” Aiden said behind all of that painting.

   “Hey.” I said. His geeky wide eyes and loud breath made him look like a track runner. I smiled and slowed my breath down a little bit. The room had once been a horrible nightmare. But I was now seeing it as a safe haven. “Don’t ask me if I’m ok, I’m ok now.” I said standing up a bit straighter. Aiden took his hands off his knees and surrendered them above his head.  “What happened?” I asked thinking how he could have reached into my head.

   “You showed up here and looked pretty confused.” He answered. “Then you started screaming, so I called out to you but you didn’t seem to hear me. Then I well held your hand until you woke up.” I hadn’t really woken up and I fell asleep into the room not the field. I found it sweet that he had held my hand. I had wished for someone to do that when I had a bad dream my whole life.

“Well thanks.” I said shyly.

   “No thank you.” He said and I looked back at him confused. “You came back. Not in the way I thought. But I didn’t believe you when you said you would.” I didn’t believe myself either. But I had wished to be here instead of awake back in the hotel room. Rethinking it, all I had wanted yesterday night was to be here as well. Is that all I had to do to? Wish was here. It sounded impossible.

   “I think I know how to get here.” I said and he looked at me wide eyed. “I just have to wish I was here.” Aiden frowned. He probably thought who would want to be here. But I did want to be in the room. It was quiet and reality didn’t scream at my face all the time. But the best of it all was just getting to see Aiden again; he was getting to me like an addiction. A small pain tor my heart every time I thought about him but I ignored it.

   The room faded black. The lights blow out and a cold chill flew through the room. I run behind Aiden who wasn’t standing much taller than me. When the lights faintly flickered back on a little girl sat in the corner. Her head was down in her knees and she sat still. She was in pretty pale blue dress that floated to her ankles. As fast they were on the lights were back out. When the lights went back to normal the room was empty apart from me and Aiden once again.

“I don’t know.” Aiden said predicting the next words out of my mouth perfectly. I walked over to the spot where the little girl was. The touch of the ground was freezing. A loud crash came from behind me. I turned around in shock.

 “Aiden!” I screamed out cupping my hands around my nose. I ran over to him while he’s body rattled in fear. I pushed on his shoulder but he didn’t move. A white noise began to drowned out my screams until not I even I could hear them. In closed my eyes and held my eyes. The noise stopped and I was sitting in a in a public library. I stood up in the horror fiction isle. I was starting to lose track of what was going on tonight. I started to walk around the library. There was mostly older people reading and kids studying for school. But at on table a young guy sat by himself. His deep blue eyes were in deep focus on whatever he was reading. Suddenly out of nowhere a fourteen year old kid pushed the guys blond head farther into the book. The closer I looked I started to make out who it was. It was Aiden.

“Have you found anything.” He said throwing down a handful of books and sitting across from the man at the table.

“No white.” He scowled. “I doubt you have, be doing anything then hitting on the perky teen cheerleaders.” I could hear them clearer the closer I got. As I went to go talk to them someone grasped my arm. I went to say something but my trapper was faster.

“Don’t try to talk to them.” I turned to see the older version of Aiden that I was with in the room, stained shirt and all.

“Why are there two of you?” I asked and pulled my arm away from him.

“I don’t really know; it’s a memory but it never ends well.” Aiden threw he’s against his side. “Well at least I think it’s a memory.” He didn’t seem curtain. I could tell the difference between my memories and my dreams. Why couldn’t he?

“Do you remember anything?” I asked quietly. “About before you were locking in the room”

   “No.” He said painfully. “I woke up in the room, I didn’t even know my name I thought I was going crazy.” He wasn’t just trapped in the room he was so stuck he couldn’t even remember anything. I couldn’t see how seeing demons could be worse than waking up in a strange place with a blank mind. It wasn’t like the movies that they forget who they are. He knew who he what kind person he had been but not who he really was.

  The library began to fade and we were back in the room. “Aiden.” I said in a quiet voice. I felt awful for him. I hated being trapped with a foster family or in a group home but he was trapped in a blank world of pain and suffering. We just stood there for a long time and I let it all sink in. It had gone by too fast.

“I’m going to get the hell out of here.” He said breaking the silence.

“How?” I asked

“Whatever it damn takes, Jenna I want to breathe fresh air again and walk in my bare feet in green fields.” He’s eyes sparkled and water filled in them. “I want to find out who I was to the world and I want to be able to see stars.”

“Why stars?” I wondered why he would want to escape only to find more darkness.

“Because they remind me of courage and beauty.” He said and his breathing seemed to be less tense then before. “I like to see something like that again.”

The white light began to fill the room like it had last time and I found myself fading like a ghost. “I’m going to help you find stars then.” I said and watched his weak smile fade behind the light. 

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