Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Within the next two months nothing really happened.  Richard dropped us off at the safe house in Lancaster before he left to go on another hunt. He left me and Coal with Hayden to keep him company. He should have just told us to jump in a pit of molten lava instead; it would have been less painful then to listen to Hayden complain aimlessly. On the other hand Aiden and I didn’t encounter anymore angels or members of the Pain group and his life page had only told us about some of his hunts with David. Other than that it had been the most anticipated months of my life that I could remember. I couldn’t stop thinking about the little girl who I last seen at the medical center in Fayetteville. Also I was starting to be able to see through Fearfuls’s masks.  It made the visions scarier to see their white eyes after but helped to know not all of them looked that way.

 Hayden couldn’t walk until a week before we left Lancaster. We had called Richard the day Hayden went to go get groceries and he had told us of a case he wanted us to do without him. “Salem Massachusetts, ten people have been killed in the last four weeks. All of them with their eyes burned out of their skulls, and all of them worked in the same place. The famous witch house.” After Richard hung up and Hayden got back to the house we were out the door within a matter of seconds.

“Can Jenna drive please?” Coal asked for the seventh time as Hayden floored the chevelle down the freeway. Hayden didn’t bother to answer he was too caught up in the joy that he could drive. We flew down roads for almost the whole day until Hayden finally pulled up to an older red building that had a sign reading Salem inn.

“Look over there that’s the house where all those people died.” Hayden pointed to a dark wooden building surrounded by a few crooked trees. We walked past the blinding white pillars into the towering white oak door.

“Welcome to the Salem inn one of the oldest buildings in town.” The nerdy desk clerk said as the bell above the door jingled. “Did you know that…”

“Can it we’re just here to buy a room.” Hayden snapped and the clerk went to a small closest behind him a toke a key from one of the small hooks.

“Room 314 enjoy your stay.” He said and we all started to climb up the stair to the third floor. The room was like a picture from a fishing catalogue. The walls were covered by maple panels and the two beds had warm brown covers on dark oak frames. The couch under the small square window has fluffy white pillows that hugged the outer frame that was the same colors as the bed frames.

“No time to waste here, I’m going to get started and go see those bodies.” Hayden said barreling out the door as I spotted the moon rising in the pale evening sky.

“I should go with him.” Coal said and leaped out of the room after Hayden. Even if Coal hadn’t wanted to admit it they were both thrilled to be back hunting. I walked over and closed the door behind them sealing myself in the quit room. The silence soon became too eerie and I deserted the inn into the fresh evening air. As I got to the corner of the street I noticed something wrong. The witch house was open and there wasn’t any caution tape in sight. In most murder scenes people aren’t allowed to disrupt evidence. But the witch house was still intake.

“They weren’t killed there.” I jumped around to see an older man with pale blue eyes that had drowned out both the white and black in his eyes. He’s voice was very soft and cloudy. I wouldn’t have heard him if he wouldn’t have touched my skin.

“How do you know what I was thinking about?” I asked the freaky man and he just raised his left index finger to the patch of grass behind me. The was a white tailed doe gazing over into my eyes in the exact spot the man had pointed out. When I turned my head back to face him he had vanished. I looked in every direction but he was nowhere to be found. I looked back at the deer and stared at it until it shimmered away like the last deer.

 I held my breath as it faded remembering how the deer was a sign of a Fearless. I didn’t believe that Fearless’ could speak so normally until then. I had only seen one other real Fearless at that point. I wouldn’t have thought they were trying to help me. “We will always help the one that bares the sun.” I heard his voice again but this time it was inside my head. It was as if he had read my thoughts. The man now stood in front of the witch house right across the street from me.

 “What do you mean by the one who bares the sun?” I whispered hoping to finally get some answers about who I was in the whole ordeal.

“You are the one of the age to be able to travel into the others head.” His voice bounced around in my skull.

“You mean Aiden?” I asked wondering about what he meant by the other.

“Yes the other must be freed for him and the sun can free the angels.” His voice piped up a tad. “And only the sun can break him free.” I took my head into my hands and shook it until I could figure out his riddles. I didn’t understand the whole meaning in the end but I knew he had said only I could free Aiden from Pain.

The sheer sound of screaming crows began to howl in my ears. I clamped my hands on them but the noise had found its way into my skull. I watched as the older man’s image shattered like glass and the fragments bleed into water on the pavement. The ringing got louder until I was deaf to any other sound. The world around me started to spin uncontrollably until I was on the street anymore.

  The room around me was block out by black curtains that draped out any light. I started to run through them but I soon realised it was much less a roam and more so a maze. “Pretty little fragile girl just running through my maze of hate and reckoning.” A soft girl’s voice hummed in my head loudly. “They call me Betrayal.” The caller said and I pushed through the last curtain into an equally a dark room with black walls and no windows. A girl stood in the middle of the room. Her light brown hair was crimped and hung loosely over her shoulder. She wore a silk black dress that went very well with her raven black leather high heels.

“Are you part of….” I said as I eyed her appearance.

“Pain, yeah and you already know we don’t necessarily like being called stuff like Betrayal.” She stated and stood planted to her spot. “So it’s Anastasia.”

“What do you want?” I yelled out feeling farther away from her then I actually was. 

“Harsh much” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and started to drag her toes over towards me.  “I’ve just come to remind you about a little something my friend Shasta has already told you.” I held my breath as she loomed over me. I knew what was coming, she would riddle on about Pain and Fearfuls and worst of all Aiden’s situation.

“Well then there nothing I don’t already know.” I said and her eyes glared down on mine making me worried about her next move.

“Then stop trying.” She hissed. “Even if you do manage to get him out, we’ll come after you and you won’t last a second the other girl didn’t.”

“What other girl?” I asked shocked over the new discovery.

“You’ve seen her a before this, she tried to breakout her sister and failed.” Anastasia blew through the information quickly. I knew she was talking about the little girl with the sun and arrows on her wrist. The girl I had last seen in the hospital. “And you’ll end with the same result as her lost and dead.”

  I wanted to fall to the cold concert floor and hide away from her. The black walls began to close in and soon I figured I had to face reality. “No I won’t, I’m better than that.” I stood taller and my nerves shook under my skin. “I won’t leaven him.” When I finished Anastasia started to scream like a crow. Her sounds echo off the walls and bounce back to us. I slammed my eyes closed and the screams slowly faded till they only sounded like a raven in the sky above me. 

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