Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

   Hayden and Coal had managed to teach me poker and I was a pro before Richard moved from the couch. He was listening to a little hand held radio. Coal had told me he had tapped into the police radio ways. I had finally cracked after I beat the boys for the eighth out of ten times. I decided I needed some fresh air and as I went for the door Richard moved. “Where do you think you’re going?” He said as if he were my babysitter.

“Just for a walk.” I said and he raised his eyebrows. “I won’t leave the town gees.” I slammed the door behind me and jogged down the hall before he could call after me. Outside the afternoon air was damp and the cold indicated a coming storm. I had walked only a couple buildings down when I saw the house. It was more so who was at the house then the house itself. It was white with a red roof. It had a deck that surrounded the whole house and brown picket fence. There was an old red car from sometime in the 30’s it seemed. There was a tall man that was probably in his twenties banging on the front door.

“Come on Jake open the door.” He sounded desperate. Almost like how I sounded when Aiden had me pinned to the wall. He stopped hitting the wood and began to pace up and down the porch.

“Are you ok?” I called from the side walk. I looked closely at the house and the window beside the door was soaked in fresh blood. It was so thick that I couldn’t into the house. It was the only window with the curtains open that I could see. The man on the porch ran his fingers through his thick black hair. I was going to suggest calling the police but sometime wasn’t right so I called Coal’s number.

“No!” He screamed. “Don’t call the police!” He’s brown eyes grew more worried than before.

“I’m not, chill out.” Then the ringing stopped and Coal answered.

“Hello, Jenna what do you want?” He’s tone of voice was the same when it had been when I had beat him for the fourth time in a row. Hayden must have pulled out a full house or something.

“Something’s wrong.” I said checking to make sure the witness hadn’t run away. “I’m only a few houses down the street.  Can you….” He hung up before I could finish. Walking up to the man I could start to hear him whimpering and he was shivering as if the cold was getting to him. “It’s ok.” I tried to smile but I seemed more pathetic then reassuring.

“My friend might be dead in there.” He said through tears. “First Daniel then Jake, this isn’t happening.” He put his head in his hands. Before I could say anything else Richard came down the street with Coal and Hayden on his tail.

“What happened?” He asked firmly and I pointed out the bloody window.

“The doors locked.” The man said shyly. “I don’t think anyone has a key but Jake.”

“No problem.” Hayden smiled pulling a blue flamed lock pick out of his pocket. The man went to say sometime but stopped because within a matter of seconds the front door was open. The man ran into the house leading the rest of us right to the living room. I gasped the owner lay on the floor holding a knife that had been shoved into his eye. His breathing was sallow and he was slipping away fast.

“Fred.” The victim smiled and said through raspy whisper. “She was here, she did this she said your next.”

“Will get you help Jake it will be alright.” Fred said frantically. I didn’t believe there was really nothing we could do for Jake. He seemed already dead.

“She still loves you man.” Jake smiled and his head rolled to the side. Fred began to scream no and tears rolled down he’s round checks. Hayden went over and helped him to his feet.

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