Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

  I rolled over and found myself on a cot behind the biggest couch in the living room. I lifted myself into a sitting stance, feeling extremely dehydrated. “Ah and she’s awake.” Hayden said walking out of the kitchen throwing up his arms. “See what I tell you not dead.” Hayden turned screaming back into the kitchen where Coal probably was. He turned back smiling as if he’d won an award.

“She was out for three days, I was right to think she was just suddenly dying.” Coal walked out of the kitchen and I let my legs hang off the cot in shock. It didn’t seem like three days at all only three hours. “Here, it’s milk.” Coal said handing me the glass. I hungrily downed the whole glass in a matter of seconds. 

“So do you have anything you want to tell us?” Hayden said as I passed the glass back to Coal.

“No why?” I asked. I teased and for a moment thought they could read my mind.

“Well you keep passing out for no giving reason.” Coal said and walked backwards back to the kitchen. “Just thought there might be a reason.” The way he said be made me shiver. I shook my head just as confused as they were. They didn’t know the worse part. Without the dreams and visions blacking out would be more enjoyable.

“If there was you’d be the first to know.” I got up and passed Coal who was walking slower than a turtle. Opening the fridge I took out the tub of yogurt I have bought three days ago.

“Ok well, Richard is going to want us to find a case before he gets back.” Hayden said as I sat down beside him on the couch. “So that’s what Coal and I have been doing and we found something.” He lifted open my laptop and typed in the password faster than I could. It made me wonder what type of hackers these boys were. He pulled up a website called North West Arkansas news. The subtitle said Fayetteville.

“Fayetteville like the city.” I asked and Hayden rolled his eyes.

“Just look at this.” He clicks on a link that pulled up an article with an unbelievable title.

“Eight deaths in one night.” I read out loud. “And all died of the same thing.”

“Yep extreme blood loss through minor wounds.” Coal said coming up behind us. “What does that sound like to you?” Vampires were the first thing that came to mind.

“What would one vampire want eight people for though?” I asked thinking eight was a little over rated.

“Vampires live in nests.” Hayden said and took his eyes away from the screen. “It’s normally a group of four or more.” I couldn’t imagine a fleet of blood suckers coming after me in the middle of the night.

“Killing Vampires is like cleaning out an anger hornets’ nest.”  Coal stated. “It’s thrilling.” I didn’t want to know Coal’s definition of thrilling. I didn’t think risking me life was a thrill. I looked up at the boys and wondered if I should say something about the movie theatre. Maybe they would know something.

  In the end I decide it was better a secret. Then out of nowhere there was loud banging coming from the door. Hayden and I stood up suddenly and Coal ran backwards.

“Open the damn door.” Richard’s voice yelled from behind the door. I ran and opened the front door to him panting. Hayden jumped and pinned Richard to the wall which I didn’t think he was able to do. “What’s my girlfriend’s name that is engraved in my steering wheel?” Hayden yelled before he let him in through the frame. Glancing over at me beside him his face filled with embarrassment.

  “I’m not a shape shifter or a demon.” Richard said pushing Hayden into me. “And Jane’s your mother name smart ass.” Wide eyed Hayden followed Richard in to where Coal was. When we all stood in the living room Richard bolted down the basement stairs. “You guys better hurry.” The boys then scrambled to get down the stairs. I followed a bit slower thinking they were over reacting. When we were all at the bottom of the stairs Coal flipped on the breaker and the candle like lights flickered on.

  “What happened?” I asked thinking three days might have not been as long as Richard intended to be gone.

“Turned out it was a demon not a dragon.” Richard stated.

“And why did you come back here without Roderick?” Coal asked.

“Speaking of where is Roderick?” Hayden asked before Coal could be answered.

  “No idea he took off when I said I could handle this alone.” Richard said and then I heard the sound of the front door being kicked in. The basement feel silent and loud boots could be heard walking across the dusty wood floor. Coal fell backwards and pushed over a huge pile of books which crashed loudly to the ground. The boots got closer and then whoever was wearing them started down the stairs.

  When they got down the stairs I saw the face of Caleb. I was relived and let myself relax. Not one of the boys had though they still were alert and ready to attack at any moment. Then I noticed His eyes. At first the light in the room made me miss it. They were black. There was no other color like the eyes of a fearful but darker. It wasn’t Caleb anymore.

  When he started to walk towards us he stopped dead as if ropes were holding him back. He looked down confused and growled. At the bottom of the stairs there was a devils trap, He was a demon.

“What happened to Roderick?” Richard spat standing right outside the circle.

“I rather wear younger hosts.” Caleb said.

“This guys was possessed it’s the Demon speaking.” Coal whispered to me as we stood at the back of the room behind Hayden and Richard. He made me feel stupid I never would have guessed any of that. Richard then handed Hayden a book and he began to flip through the pages.

 “I’m sending your ass back to hell.” Hayden said when he found the page he was looking for. When Hayden started to read out the Latin words the demon screamed in Caleb’s voice. The black began to fade from his eyes.

  “You’ll never get him out you know.” He screamed and pointed at me. He’s face had a wicked grin painted on it. “He’ll be stuck in that room until his soul dies.” He burst out laughing. He was talking about Aiden. If this demon knew about that I wondered how many more did.

“I will get him out just you watched.” I growled and stepped forward till I was just behind Hayden. The room grew quit and the room filled with an aroma of confusion.

  “No you won’t, we’re stronger then you.” Caleb’s voice rattled me and Hayden cautioned to read. With rage pulsing through me, I surged forward and snatched the Old leather book out of Hayden’s hand. Finding the word he had left of on I read on. Only I was louder. Hissing and squealing the demon couldn’t even force out anymore words. When I finished the last word Caleb’s eyes were back to normal. The room exploded in black smoke which seemed to catch on fire before melting away.

 Caleb fell to the floor and Hayden rushed over to him. After lifting his fingers from Caleb’s neck, Hayden sighed with relief indicating Caleb wasn’t dead. “Jenna what was he talking about.” Coal asked from behind me.

“I don’t know.” I said trying to keep the room and Aiden a secret a little longer.

“Yes you did know.” Richard said crossing his arms. “Secrets are dangerous in this life sweet heart.” I sighed. They weren’t going to let it go and maybe they could help me.

“I’ve been dreaming myself back into that torcher room.” I stated with my eyes on my feet.

“Why would anyone do that?” Coal asked angrily like I had broken a major rule. I began to explain all about Aiden and how I was trying to break him out of eternal prison.

“You know you still have to find the soul right.” Hayden stated.

“And yeah I know and that’s going to be impossible.” I said before anyone else could. The room went silent and I wondered what everyone else could be thinking.

“Jenna, we’d love to help or tell you how to do all this.” Richard’s snapped glaring over to me. He’s voice had no sympathy in it at all. “But this hole is so deep I wouldn’t even bother and I won’t.” 

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