Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

  Three hours after we got back to the inn I thought I was in study hell. The room was now drowning in news articles. Both mine and Richard’s laptops had almost three hundred taps open. Coal threw another stack of forty newspapers into the useless pile. I pushed my chair away from the table and my laptop screen. Moaning I picked up another paper. Flipping through the pages I found another load of zero. Out of nowhere Hayden stood up and started franticly digging through the might be something pile that was knee high. “Here I found something.” He yelled and me and Coal light up. Richard had gone to the library to look at records so he couldn’t join into the excitement.

“What?” Coal howled happily tearing the paper away from Hayden.

“In 2000 Gloria Welsh took her own life on grove street bridge.” Hayden said with Coal and I listening without question. “The only witness was her boyfriend Gordon Downy.”

“I wonder went mental scares that left him.” I said sarcastically.

“Wouldn’t matter he died five months after.” Hayden said not knowing I wasn’t being serious. “But right before he died all his best friends were killed suddenly, all dying well he watched.”

“Did they all say it was Gloria who killed them?” I asked thinking about Fredrick’s statements.

“Yep and then in 2006,” He said pointing to the newspaper in Coal’s hands. “Jason Wells watched his girlfriend swan dive off the bridge and all his best buds die right before he kicked the can.”

“So we’re dealing with a vengeful spirit?” Coal asked.

“Yeah I think so but who is it?” Hayden asked the question we all were thinking.

“I don’t know, but by the looks of it Fredrick and any of his living friends are going to end up roasted.” I said standing up from the table.

“Well off we go to Fredrick’s.” Coal said and walking out of the room before anyone answered him. Hayden and I looked at each other, He shrugged and we ran out after Coal.

  When we pulled up to Fredrick’s house a few minutes later the thought ran through my head. What if we’re too late or what if his not home?  We stood at the door for ten minutes and I had ringed the doorbell twice more than last. Hayden once again started to slam his fist against the door until someone answered.

“You could have rung the doorbell.” Fredrick said stepping out of the house as if we weren’t welcome inside.

“We did.” Coal hissed. “I think it’s broken.”

“So what do you guys even want?” Fredrick said basically ignoring Coal. We seemed to be taking him away from the nothing he was doing.

“We found out a bit more on what’s going on.” Hayden said. “What’s happening to you has happened before.”

“I know.” He said. We were all pretty shocked normally people wouldn’t recognise their own tragic situation had happened before. They would just break down and sit in their houses alone.

“You know about Jason Wells and Gordon downy?” Coal asked

     “Yay it was only six years ago Jason died.” He said in an obviously kind of voice. “And it’s kind of a locally legend. Some kids say ever six years some young girl will jump off the bridge and then she’ll come back and kill the person she’s closest to, closest friend and then kill them.”

    “Well it’s not a legend.” I said not thinking about how that would affect Fredrick.

   “I know and now I’m waiting like a sitting duck for my dead girlfriend to come kill me.” He’s voice became shaky and like he was in disbelief. Hayden gestured for us the form a circle away from Fredrick.

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