Ch. 1 Arrival at Laguna Hills Boarding School

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*A/N Hey viewing world! I'm Jaimie in case you didn't know! Thanks so much whoever is reading my very first fan fiction; I love you for it! I also wanna give you all a little heads up. I absolutely LOOOVE music, and I'd love to share it, so I will! :D Sometimes I'll put up a song I recently heard and liked or that goes with the chapter and also links to outfits. Enjoy!


Jaimie’s POV:

“This place is a dream! I can’t believe I got in! Thanks again, mom!” I say as I walk in.

“You earned it, honey! And you’re welcome. Just promise me you will keep good grades, ok? And won’t get into trouble this year? And don’t…”

“…stay up too late, I know, mom. I won’t.”

“And you promise to call every night?”

“Maybe? I’ll text, kay?”

“Ok, honey. Have fun! Don’t forget to brush your teeth day and night and…”

“Ok mom!” I blurt out over her. I was never really one for ‘motherly reminders’. “Ok! Ok, mom! Yeah, I know! Brush my teeth, got it,” I let out between her words. “Oh! I gotta go, mom! I…uh…I’m getting another call!” I lie.

“Ok. Call me and let me know how boarding school is going. Bye, hun!”

“Bye mom!”

I hang up, finally. I’m still standing in the doorway. I pick up my bags and walk in to get a better look of my room. Well, it’s not really my room. I have a roommate to share it with.

On the left are two made beds by each other. On one of them are luggage bags strewn all over.

“I guess my roommate already came by,” I think to myself, “and skipped out.” “And I guess this is my bed!” I say aloud this time, referring to the bed on the far right. I toss my bags on my bed and look around more.

A nightstand separates the two beds with a lamp on top of it. Across the beds is a huge dresser made for two to share. A plasma TV sits on top of the dresser. I move further down and see on the left is the bathroom and on the right, two sinks. Past the bathroom is a living room area with a pull-out couch and coffee table. And across the room are a desk with a computer and a mini fridge with a microwave on top. Everywhere I turn, something new amazes me!

I get settled in putting my clothes in the dresser saving space for my roomie. Then, I move my makeup, hair brush and accessories, and towels to the bathroom counter. By the time I officially moved in, it was about 8pm. I had nothing better to do but wait for my roomie to show up. I crashed on the bed and just laid there going over my class schedule.

“Ok. English first. Then science. Acrylic painting? Cool! That could be fun. Computer essentials. Math! Yay!!! And finally, Team Sports. Cool!”

I quickly got bored and then noticed that I had the room to myself! I get out my iPod and blast Boys Like Girls' Love Drunk . I get up and start freaking out about how awesome boarding school in Laguna Hills, CA is gonna be! I just danced on the bed. Well… sort of. I can’t dance for my life! So basically I was just having a seizure on my bed.

“WHOOOOO!!!! HAHAHA!!!” I scream jumping up and down on the bed! Something I always wanted to do! I laugh at myself for how ridiculous I am and still think how great this year is going to be until I’m surprised. I hear a knock at the door.


*A/N Hoped you liked it! I'm just getting started so sorry for the cliffhanger. Also, it would be awesome to see some comments! I will give out dedications to my outstanding readers cuz why the hell not?! :D Thanks again!

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