Ch. 2 Meeting My Roomie

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*A/N Hey people! I didn't have much homework and had the time, so I thought I'd surprise you with a post! I'll be doing that sometimes. Thanks for the reads! Also, there's another song on the side. Check it out!


Narrator’s POV:

“OMG! It’s Ross and Riker Lynch!” yells a fan. “Can I have your autographs?”

“Sure!” they reply in unison.

More fans swarm the two R5 members.

“I think I’m gonna like this school” Ross shouts over to Riker.

“Me, too!” he shouts back over the screaming girls.

“I would love to stick around girls, but we’ve gotta go find our rooms” Riker admits to the fan girls.

“AWWW!!!” the crowd says disappointed.

As Riker and Ross make their way through the mob of screaming fans, Ross yells back to several girls, “Here’s your autograph!” handing it to her. “Thanks! Call me!”

Riker pulls Ross out of the crowd. “Come on! You can flirt with more chicks later!”

“This year is gonna be great! The fame, the girls! I heard R5 was nominated to play at the Homecoming Dance next month” Ross brags.

“Already? Wow! We’re like… famous!

“Yeah! We are celebrities in this school! So what room are you staying in?” asks Ross.

“I’m in Fisher Hall room 240. You?”

“Brodie Hall room 118” Ross reads off his schedule. “Aww! We’re not neighbors? We won’t be together!” Ross whines sarcastically.

“I’ll miss you so much, Rossie!” Riker exclaims fake crying. They both laugh and go their separate ways to their dorms.

Ross’s POV:

I roamed around till I found a sign saying ‘Brodie Hall.’ I walked down the halls and read off the room numbers.

“Ok. 112, 114, 116… and 118!” I exclaimed. “Now where is my room key…?” I asked myself while rummaging through my pockets.


“What the…?”  I mumble confused. “Ugh! I left my key in the room!” I realized. I instead knocked on the door.

Jaimie’s POV:

“Coming!” I yell to them. I get off the bed and fix my hair, situating myself. “That’s gotta be my new roomie!” I say in my mind. I walk over to the door and open it.

“Hey, roomie!!!” I shout. I open my eyes to an empty doorway. I peer out the door and still, no one’s there.

“Weird.” I close the door and turn around.

“AHH!” I scream. My heart just skipped a beat. I see a blonde guy about my height lying on one of the beds.

“How? When did you get in here?” I stutter.

“I came through the door... when you opened it?” he replies rudely.


‘I’d recognize that blonde hair anywhere!” I realize. ‘It’s Ross Lynch! I heard he and Riker were going to school here now. AWESOME!’ I say in my head. I decide to play it cool.

“Oh hey! Ross right?” I say coolly.

Ross looks up at me. “You know it!” he replies arrogantly. “And you’re a crazy fan right? Impressive job sneaking into my room. Here’s an autograph,” he smirks, handing me his picture with a smile. “Close the door on your way out.”

“No...,” I say confused.

“Oh. Sorry. You’re my roommate’s girlfriend then?”

“Wrong again,” I say back enjoying this guessing game.

“Then who are you?” he asks rudely, losing interest.

“I’m Jaimie. I live here?” I say with a condescending tone.

“You’ve gotta be lost ‘cause this is my room” Ross states.

“No. This is my room” I say back.

“Really?” he says doubtfully. “Let me see your class schedule.”

“I’m pretty sure this is my room!” I retort as I get my schedule. “See? Brodie Hall room 118!” I point out to Ross. Ross gets out his class schedule to check again.

He reads off, “Brodie Hall room 118.”

I steal his schedule not believing it. Then I see it with my own eyes.

“This has to be a mistake!” I shout in shock. “YOU can’t be my roomie! You’re a guy!”

“Thanks for noticing!” Ross says conceitedly. “And I heard they ran out of girls to pair for rooming, so administration roomed a guy with a girl. Awesome! I get to room with a girl!” he realizes. “And you must be the lucky girl that rooms with me,” Ross says as he puts his arm around me.

“I can’t believe it” I say to myself still surprised. I pick up his wrist with one hand and drop his arm to his side.

“Well believe it babe ‘cause we’re stuck with each other for the rest of the year. Enjoy me while you can!” Ross says.

“I guess we are stuck with each other. But don’t call me ‘babe’!”

“Why? Does it bother you?”


“Sorry beautiful!” he says while smiling sweetly.

I look back thinking ‘Seriously? Ugh. Rooming with a guy. And this guy is such a tool! Way to ruin my year! Well just ‘cause I hate the guy, doesn’t mean I can’t love his music.’ I walk over to shut the still open door and then plop down on my bed. I check the time on the alarm clock I set on the nightstand. I find my iPod on my bed and finish listening to Love Drunk. I tap my finger to the beat and look around. I see Ross sitting on his bed looking at me, kind of freaking me out.

“Can I help you?” I ask rudely.

“No,” he replies coolly, still staring.

A few moments pass.

“Dude, stop staring,” I scoff.

“I can’t help but stare when there’s a beautiful girl next to me.”

“Great line,” I say sarcastically. “Use it on all the girls?”

“Maybe.” He flashes this devious smile at me.

‘I can’t believe this guy! He is such a player! This year’s going to suck.’ I realize that with all my thinking, there’s an awkward silence.

“Well, I’m going to shower and get ready for bed.”

“Already? It’s only 10pm” Ross questions.

“We have a curfew remember? Bed by 11. And tomorrow is the first day of school, too” I tell him.

“Fine, but I’m gonna call up my brother and have him drop by.”

“Whatever” I say back. I grab my pajamas from the dresser and head into the bathroom to shower, locking the door behind me.


*A/N So what'd you think? Like the song? Let me know in the comments! I love getting those! And there could be a dedication in your future...  :)

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