Ch. 12 Nurse Ross and Visitors

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*A/N sorry guys. I got really busy this weekend. but here it is! and it's extra long, too! and it was REALLY  hard to pick out a favorite comment, especially cuz I just realized that I've dedicated chapters to all of you already, but I finally did. this chapter is dedicated to... @R5LOVE! she has been so awesome, reading not only this book, but also the ones I've been co-writing.

shoutout to Sydney: Thanks for reading! :D

shoutout to @RossR5: Thank you sooo much for the comments and the shoutout :D

and also, don't forget about the song on the right!


Ross’s POV:

I sat down on Jaimie’s bed, and she let go and lay down. She reached for the covers, but I got them for her.

“You don’t have to do that you know,” Jaimie said.

“Yes I do! Diane said you have to take it easy.”

“Maybe so but I’m not COMPLETELY helpless,” she retorted. “I can tuck myself into bed thank you very much.”

“Well for the rest of the day, I am Nurse Ross at your service!”

“Well Nurse, I’m hungry. What’s to eat in this hospital?” she joked and giggled.

I chuckled as I walked over to the kitchen area. I named off the food we had until Jaimie abruptly stopped me, sounding all excited for some reason. She kind of screamed for a second.


“Yes what? Mac ‘n cheese?”

“Yeah! That’s my favorite!” she shouted.

“Mac ‘n cheese it is!” I chuckled.

When it was done, I brought the food to Jaimie and sat next to her on the bed.

“Thanks, Ross!”

She sat up in bed, eating away the silence bite by bite.

“So…,” I blurted, “Rocky and Gabriella…”

“Oh yeah, I know! It’s so sweet! They are great together, aren’t they?”

“Rocky asked Gabriella out this weekend.”

That reminded me of OUR date this weekend. Then I got an idea.

“If we are ALL going on dates this weekend, why don’t we make it a double date?”

“Yeah, that’d be fun!”

“I’ll go call Rocky now and ask if that’s cool with him.”

“And I’ll ask Gabriella if that’s okay with her,” Jaimie replied.

“Sounds like a plan,” I flirted.

I left and made the call in the living room.

“Hey, bro!” Rocky said.

“Hey! I was gonna ask if Jaimie and I could go on a double date with you and Gabriella this weekend since we all were going out anyway.”

“Whoa, wait a minute. You and Jaimie? How did you manage that[D1] ? I thought you said she hated your guts?

“Yeah, she did. Especially with the beat down she gave me this morning,” I mumbled and smiled to myself over the recollection.

“Beat down? I like her already!” Rocky laughed.

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