Ch. 8 Horror Movie Night

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*A/N hi! sorry for the late update but here it is! I have been waiting for this update all week; I hope you guys love it as much as I do! and sadly, no one guessed what would happen in this chapter correctly :( oh well. all the more fun finding out! so I said I would dedicate this chapter to whoever and that person is... @awesomediva_r5! she came up with the greatest ship names, and this chapter is mostly about her so yeah. enjoy the chapter! :)

(same as last chapter)


Jaimie’s POV:

I walk out of the bathroom and over to Ross, and I snatch the bowl of popcorn from him.

“So what movie are we watching?” I ask Ross in between handfuls of popcorn.

“I don’t know. Riker brought the movie. What are we watching Riker?”

“The scariest movie of all time… The Ring!” Riker exclaims.

“A horror movie. Yay!” Ross and I sarcastically sing together.

Rocky stands up and ‘directs’ us to our seats, as if we were in an actual movie theater. And call me crazy, but I could have sworn I saw Rocky wink at Ross. And Ross winking back. Weird…

“Okay! So, Rydel and Riker can sit right in front of the TV on the floor since you two love them so much…”

“Yeah we do!” Riker and Rydel shout, and they high five each other.

“… and,” Rocky finishes, “Gabriella and I can watch the movie from Ross’s bed, and Jaimie and Ross can share Jaimie’s bed since it looks like you two don’t like horror movies.

Gabriella glances over at Rydel and me with an ecstatic expression on her face and sits on Ross’s bed with Rocky. Then Rydel looks over at me expecting the same reaction. I give her a grimace as I climb into my bed with Ross. Riker plays the movie and takes his seat on the floor with Rydel. Fifteen minutes into the movie, and it’s already gory and creepy.

A few moments later, Ross confesses, “Ok! I’m done!”

He lies down and hides under the sheets. I take my eyes off the screen, lift the sheets, and poke my head under.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask, laughing a little.

“I just hate scary movies.”

“Aw! Is the brave Ross Lynch afraid of a little movie?” I whimper. “Scaredy cat.” As I laugh, I look to the screen and right away, a creepy little girl pops up out of nowhere. Her face was completely pale except for her darkened eyes and facial scars. I couldn’t help but jump and scream. I surrender and join Ross under the covers.

“Who’s the scaredy cat now?” Ross smiles.

I pathetically try to defend myself. “Well… I lasted longer!”

Ross scoffs. “By 5 seconds!”

I rub the back of my head.

“What’s wrong?” Ross asks me.

“Nothing, nothing’s wrong.”

“Come on, tell me.”

“Well, you know how I jumped and screamed when I was watching the movie?”

Ross starts giggling. I shoot him this look, and he holds in his laughter.

“I think I remember that.” Ross grins.

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