Ch. 14 Joyride

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*A/N hi! I finally updated! just letting you know, the whole chapter is in Ross's POV. I put up the song that goes with the chapter and the polyvore is the same as the last chapter, but here's the link in case you want to see it again :D

enjoy! :D


Ross’s POV:

The car is dead silent for a long while. It’s still sunny outside. I look out the window to my right but steal many looks over at Jaimie. She’s staring out her window and fiddling with her bracelet. ‘Is it weird that I find that insanely adorable?’

She begins to turn her head towards me, so I whip my head to my window still peering over from the corner of my eye. I slightly turn my head towards her and Jaimie sees me. She smiles. I look down and grin. ‘Oh god, am I blushing?!’ I cover my cheek with my hand, but when she looks at me with a confused expression, I migrate to my head and play it off like I’m brushing through my hair. I nervously laugh and look out my lonesome window again.

“Hey, Rocky?” Gabriella asks. “Is that the Louder album?” She points to a case sitting on the dashboard.

“Oh. Yeah, it is. Cool if I play some music, guys?” he asks over his shoulder.

“Yeah sure!” I reply, a little too enthusiastically. ‘Anything to break this silence.’

I stare back out my window. I see a flock seagulls fly overhead. A song begins to play. I recognize that it’s Forget About You; my foot subconsciously starts tapping to the rhythm. I hum as I casually look at Jaimie. Her finger is tapping against her leg. She stares out her window, and as the lyrics come on, she absentmindedly sings to herself.

♪Oh no, here we go

Hear your voice on the radio

Like every single song is about you, uh

Every sec that we spent

Like cement stuck up in my head

Got me so distracted and confused♪

I continue to watch and listen. She doesn’t even notice I’m staring again.

♪Baby, I think I've lost my mind

Feels like you crashed into my life

I keep on losin' track of time

I'm so messed up, yeah

I'm so messed up!♪

I decide to join in for the chorus, and when I do, Jaimie looks at me, smiles, and sings along.

♪I can't remember what I did tonight

Or even yesterday

Like dude, where's my car?

Excuse me, what's my name?

Someone gave me these clothes

I can't remember who

My mind's a total blank

But I just can't forget about you,

Ooh ooh oh (forget about you)♪

By this time, we are so into the song, smiling, laughing, forgetting where we were. Even Gabriella and Rocky sing with us.

Gabriella points to Rocky to sing the next line:

♪Aw man it was a great night

I just have no idea what happened ♪

Rocky and I finish up our ‘conversation’ and get to the chorus again and sing with the girls.

I laugh and point to Jaimie to sing the next verse:

♪Think that it's comin' back

Something about the time we had

Wish that we would've been recordin'♪

Then my cue comes:

♪So right, super tight

Can't recall a thing last night

But woke up with a smile in the morning♪

All of us sing the rest of the song obnoxiously loud and with the windows down, having the time of our lives in that little car. We even got a few honks! But I think they were telling us to shut up or at least roll our windows up. We chose to believe that it meant they wanted an encore, so we continued to sing in our obnoxious way to Cali Girls.

When Cali Girls ends, Jaimie asks, “Hey, Rocky!”


“Are we there yet?” She grins into the rear-view mirror.

“Not yet!”

Gabriella: “Where are we going anyway?”

“That’s a good question,” Jaimie says. “Where ARE we going?”

“We’re here!” Rocky shouts as we pull into a parking lot.

“Great timing,” I laugh.

When Rocky finally parks, he and I bolt out our doors and race our dates to theirs. We bump into each other when we meet behind the car but completely ignore it. I reach Jaimie’s door and open it for her; Rocky does the same for Gabriella.

Jaimie steps out of the car. “Another perk that comes with having your own nurse?” She smiles.

I smile back. “A perk that comes with dating me!”

She walks over to meet Gabriella and Rocky behind the car. I face palm as I shut the door. ‘That was so lame.’


*A/N yeah, I know. it's pretty short. I was pretty busy this weekend and just quickly got this done. this weekend though, I shouldn't be TOO busy, and I will post the actual double date. so keep guessing where their date is. I've heard some good guesses. first or closest correct answer gets the NEXT dedication.

P.S. there was a subtle, very small detail in this chapter hinting at where their date is ;) good luck finding it!

see ya! :)

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