Ch. 7 Meet the Family

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*A/N here's the next chapter as promised! check out the song on the right side and the new Polyvore... please? :)

and this chapter is dedicated to... @maximumH2 for saying the greatest thing in comments in the last chapter!!!


Jaimie’s POV:

“In n’ Out was amazing!” I say fawning over their food.

“I know!” Gabriella agrees.

“So do you want to go back to your room and change?” I ask.

“Yeah. I could use some pj’s.”

We walk to her dorm, and she quickly gets changed. Then, we make our way to my room. I get my key out and open the door. We are greeted with several hellos. Ross breaks through the crowd and introduces us to everyone.

“This is my sister, Rydel.”

“Hey, I’m Jaimie!”


We move over to a tall brunette. “And this is my brother, Rocky,” says Ross.

“Hey,” I say to Rocky.

Gabriella comes over. “Hey! I’m Gabriella.”

“Hey,” Rocky says.

He stares into Gabriella’s eyes, unable to take his eyes off hers. Ross and I move away and let them have their moment.

“And you already know Riker.”

“Hey, Riker!” I smile at him.

“Hey again, Jaimie.” He smiles at me.

“Why don’t you, Rydel, and Gabriella make some popcorn?” Ross says laughing awkwardly and pushing me away from Riker.

Rydel, Gabriella, and I stand around waiting for the popcorn to finish in the microwave. Then I break the silence.

“So… you and Rocky, huh?” I nudge Gabriella and wink.

“Yeah, I saw you guys. He totally likes you!” Rydel added, smiling.

“You think so?” Gabriella squealed.

“Are you kidding me? He couldn’t stop staring at you! Trust me. I know my brothers!” Rydel confirmed. “And look. He’s still staring at you!”

We all turn our heads to the guys figuring out how to play the movie, and sure enough, there’s Rocky looking at Gabriella. He smiles and waves to her, and she waves back.

“Yeah. He definitely likes you, Gabriella!” I assure her.

“Don’t sound so innocent!” Rydel shouts. “I know what’s going on between you two!”

“What are you talking about? Who two?” I ask confused.

“You and Ross! Duh! What? You didn’t know?” Rydel exclaims.

“Yeah, girl. Even I know Ross likes you!” Gabriella chimes in.

“No way.”

“Yes way!” they shout in unison.

“Look again,” Rydel says pointing to the guys. I turn and look. “See? Rocky isn’t the only one with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.”

I look over at Ross and see him talking with his brothers. Then he turns and sees me. He smiles and waves; I wave back. I couldn’t help but stare. He seems… sweet, in a way, I guess.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep’

I jump, startled from the noise. I’m woken up.

“Yay! Popcorn’s done!” I hear Rydel shout.

I snap out of it and bring the popcorn to the guys with Rydel and Gabriella close behind.

“Ready?” Ross asks me while taking the popcorn from my hands.

“Just a sec. I’m gonna change into pj’s real quick.” I run over to the bathroom with a change of clothes and walk in. I poke my head out and say playfully, “Don’t start the movie without me!”

Ross’s POV:

“Popcorn?” I ask offering the bowl to Rocky.

“Yeah man,” he says taking the bowl.

“So… what do you think of Jaimie?” I pop some popcorn in my mouth.

“She’s cool. I see why you like her,” Rocky says casually, chewing on popcorn.

I immediately inhale my popcorn and choke. “What?! Pfffft! I do not! No…”

“Yeah you do!” he says smiling at me.

“So what if I do?” I ask ‘hypothetically.’

“Well she certainly doesn’t know that you do.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Well, yeah. If nothing happens, then nothing will EVER happen. Ever. You’ll be put in the ‘friendzone’ if you don’t do something about it. And you better be quick about it ‘cos I can tell Riker likes her, too” Rocky warned.

“I think I have an idea.”

“Just leave it to me,” Rocky says smiling slyly.


*A/N sorry to leave you off on a cliffhanger, but I couldn't wait another week to post this chapter! I hope you liked it! What do you think Ross and Rocky are gonna do? let me know in the comments, and the person who gets it right first, gets a dedication in chapter 8! and if no one gets it, i'll just pick someone. see ya next week! :D

P.S. Thanks so much for the recent reads, votes, comments, views on Polyvore, and follows guys! I really appreciate it!

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