Ch. 6 Thanks for That

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*A/N i'm going to post 2 chapters today! this chapter is basically a filler for the next one, which is the one i'm most excited about. i couldn't wait another week to post it, so i'm doing it today! enjoy everybody! :) and the song i picked goes with parts between Ross and well... me. hope you like it!

(same as the last 2 chapters):

P.S. Thanks so much to those who actually check out my polyvore, posted songs, and comment/vote! :) This chapter goes out to... Dallas from @IWantYouBad! :D she always comments! anyways, back to the story :)


Jaimie’s POV:

“Thanks a lot, Ross,” I say sarcastically as I trudge into the dorm room. “The first day of school and you get me off to a horrible start in my favorite class!”

“Again. What is SO great about math?!”

“Not the point! Just don’t talk,” I command him. I go over to the living room and plop onto the couch, still angry at him. And I let out a sigh.

He comes over and sits next to me. “Ok. Sorry. From now on, I will only carry you and spin you around outside of school.” He scoots closer and hugs me, thinking he’s consoling me. It worked though. I wasn’t even that mad in the first place, but I couldn’t help hold a little grudge.

“Stop trying to be cute, and stop hugging me. I don’t like people touching me.”

He took that as a challenge. And challenge accepted. He dog-piled me, tickling me, and I laughed hysterically!

“I-can’t-breathe!” I choke overdramatically.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, Jaimie! Are you okay?” he panics. Ross gets off of me, takes me by the hands, and helps me sit up.

After I finally catch my breath, I giggle, “I can’t believe you fell for that!” And I start to get up.

“You’re not getting away that easily!” Ross wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto the couch with him. I struggle to escape, but his grip on me is too tight.

“You’re not letting me go, are you?” Just as I ask the question, I know it’s a bit redundant.


“I’m stuck here, aren’t I?” again asking another question I already know the answer to.

“Yep,” he replies plainly.

“Ok.” I reach for the remote on the coffee table in front of me and start watching TV. “I might as well get comfortable til Gabriella gets here.”

“I know I’m comfortable!” And I know he’s wearing a smug smile right now.

“Oh, I wonder why…” Note the sarcasm.

“Because I get to hug you for as long as I want! And the best part is you can’t get enough.” He nestles his head on my shoulder.

“More like can’t get away.”

“I don’t hear a difference,” Ross chuckles. I try to wiggle my way out of his arms.

“Stop squirming, caterpillar,” Ross laughs. I obey. There’s was no use trying to get out. I’ll just have to wait til Gabriella comes to save me. And besides, I’d said I might as well get comfortable. Shouldn’t be too hard. No matter how much I hated to admit it, being in Ross’s arms was… nice, to put in the simplest terms. It was… heavenly. I feel a little smile creep upon my face.

I watch TV for the next couple minutes until I hear a knock at the door. I get up to get the door and realize Ross is still clinging to me, and I still can’t move.

“It’s open!” I yell across the room.

“Hey, Jaimie! Uhhh… where are you?” Gabriella calls out.

“Down the hall!”

I hear her walking towards the living room.

“What are you doing?” she asks Ross while pulling me from his embrace.

“Just playing around.”

I get up off the couch. “Uh… Gabriella, meet my roommate, Ross. Ross, this is Gabriella.”

Instead of questioning Ross being my roommate, Gabriella says comforting me, “I am so sorry.”

“Thank you,” I joke, pouting and quivering my bottom lip. “It’s been hard.”

“I’m right here!” Ross blurts out feeling offended.

“We’re just kidding, Ross!” I yell back at him while we head towards the door. “Well, mostly,” I finish to Gabriella.

“Hey wait!” Ross calls. He runs over to us at the door. “I’m having a few people over to watch a movie, just letting you know.”


“Well… Riker convinced me. He told some people that my roommate is a girl and ended up inviting some people over to prove it.”

“So I’m guessing I have to make an appearance?”

“Yeah. Is that cool?” he asks worriedly.

“Sure! But, can Gabriella come?” I ask fishing for her invitation.

“Yeah, of course!”

I turn to Gabriella. We both shout in unison, “Awesome!”

“Who’s coming?”

“Well, me, Riker, my sister, another one of my brothers, and you two. You’ll meet them when you get back. Where are you guys going exactly?”

“We’re going out for dinner.”

“Okay, cool. See you later?”

“See you later!” I shout back as we leave, and we go get something to eat.


*A/N so... whatdya think? :) let me know and maybe you could get a dedication cuz i love giving those out! :) see ya next Saturday!

The Teacher's Pet, Her Roommate, and His Brother *Slow, Unpredictable Updates*Where stories live. Discover now