Ch. 11 Out Cold

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*A/N SURPRISE!!! here it is, the new chapter I promised! I hope you like it! and THIS chapter is dedicated to... @Rossian1! she followed me and commented like A LOT about the greatest things! she's great! and here's a new Polyvore for gym class that I forgot to add in the last chapter:


Ross’s POV:

Riker and I were in the back row behind Gabriella and Jaimie. They were talking for a while. In between sentences, they were hitting the ball. I bet I know what they were talking about- this morning. I couldn’t wait for this weekend!

After Jaimie spiked the ball over, it was our serve. Jaimie moved to the back row next to me to serve. She was amazing! No one could return the ball for like ten serves! But then the other team finally did. Then she started talking to Gabriella about something. She sounded a little angry. I only heard the end of their conversation though. She said, ‘I forgive you.’ Then that’s when it happened.

The volleyball was spiked right into Jaimie’s face! I saw the ball slam against her cheek. Her head jerked back from impact and she fell to the ground on her side, her arms sprawled out in front of her as if she were reaching out for a hand. She didn’t move.

Everyone, including me, Riker, and Gabriella rushed to her side. Then the teacher, Mr. Kreider, forced his way through the ring of shocked spectators. Kreider pushed us back from Jaimie’s seemingly lifeless body.

Many merely stood there wide-eyed, watching Kreider lift her head and rest it on his knees. A few whispered to one another as they watched her being spoken to and her shoulders gently shaken. Just one covered their gaping mouth with their hand and clutched their heart with the other when she gave no sign of consciousness. That one was me.

“Is she okay?!” I cried.

Riker asked, “Why isn’t she moving?”

“She’s out cold.”

Riker shouted immediately, “I’ll take her to the Health Office!”

“No, I will!” I shouted back.

“Both of you going isn’t necessary. One of you can take her there.”

Riker and I both ran to her side, but I beat him to it. I picked her up bridal style, and started to the Health Office.

Jaimie’s POV:

Like I said, the lights went out. The next thing I knew, someone was carrying me. I tried my hardest, but I couldn’t get myself to open my eyes, or move for that matter. I was conscious yet completely lifeless.

Then we stopped. I felt an arm slide under my back reaching forward, causing my head to fall and dangle. I heard a metallic jiggle and a gust of wind blow through my swaying hair.

“Oh,” he let out as his arm slid back to support my neck. “Sorry, Jaimie!”

I’d recognize that voice anywhere. That warm, comforting voice. The thought of Ross would usually make me smile, if only I could.

I heard a woman say, “What happened to her?” I guess they were referring to me.

“We were in gym class, and a volleyball hit her straight in the face. Knocked her out cold.”

“And you are…?"

“I’m her roommate.”

“Oh good! Then you can stick around and help me wake her up. I have another kid with a massive stomachache to deal with. In the meantime, you can take her over to that bed over there.”

The Teacher's Pet, Her Roommate, and His Brother *Slow, Unpredictable Updates*Where stories live. Discover now