Ch. 13 Getting Ready

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*A/N hi, guys! this chapter is dedicated to @hannahrausch19, one of my friends i'm co-writing an R5 fan fiction for. I also made a new polyvore for this chapter. check it out! and the song, too :) I absolutely love it! hope you do, too :D


Jaimie’s POV:

‘This is it. The day has finally come. The day I go on a date with Ross. I knew it was coming. I know that saying ‘yes’ to him was a mistake, but for some reason, it didn’t feel that way.’

I sat on my bed before my geometry homework. It was about 4 o’clock. Ross said he’d be at Riker’s dorm getting ready for our date, and Rocky was going to be there getting ready, too. I hadn’t really thought about what to wear yet. I was a little worried about it. I had NO IDEA what to wear. I honestly have never done this whole… dating thing… before. I figured inspiration for an outfit would come to me later. So I procrastinate. Sue me!

I finished homework, lie down on my bed, and put my ear buds in. I listen to IM5’s Me and This Girl on full volume and sing some of the lyrics:

♪I'll take you girl

Just anywhere you wanna be

Your every desire

I'll change your world

From agony to ecstasy

Go higher and higher with me♪

Gabrielle’s POV:

‘Yay! I can’t wait for my date! I’m all ready to go. I got my outfit on; hair, nails, and makeup done and almost two hours to spare! Thanks to Rydel. She came over and helped me out with absolutely everything!’

“Hey, Rydel?” I called over to her from the mirror. She was packing up all her makeup and hair styling stuff.


“Do you think Jaimie’s ready for the date?”

“Definitely! I mean, she only has two hours left! And besides, getting ready is like the best part! I bet she’s hanging out in her room right now. Hey, we should go see her!”


So we head over to Jaimie and Ross’s dorm. I knock on the door. No one comes. Knock on it again, no one comes. Rydel tries banging on it but brought the same result. I wiggled the door knob.

“It’s open! Yes!” I turn the knob and walk in. I look back to Rydel and say, “I can’t wait to see what she’s wearing.”

I turn my head and see Jaimie in her PJ’s, lying on her bed, and listening to her iPod. No wonder why she didn’t come to the door. I sprint to her bed and plop right next to her.

“AAAAHHHH!” Jaimie tears out her ear buds with one hand and clutches her chest with the other. “Oh my god, you scared me!”

“Sorry?” I let out a guilty smile.

“It’s fine.” Her breathing calms. “Wow, you look great!”

“Thanks! But you on the other hand… are you seriously wearing that to our double date?

“Of course not!”

“Oh, good.”

“I was going to throw on a t-shirt, some jeans, and sneakers.”

“You’re kidding.” I give her a confused look.


“Come on, Rydel. We need to fix this mess,” I said looking down at her sweatshirt and basketball shorts.

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