Ch. 5 First Day of School

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*A/N so here's another chapter as promised! I hope you like it! I picked the song The Fray's "Over My Head" mostly cuz the music video takes place in school, which is what this chapter is about. And... I dedicated THIS chapter to... awesomediva_r5! she first appears in this chapter as Gabriella, my best friend! and she also has an amazing fan fiction called "Never Will I Let You Go" and I'M IN IT! i'm HER best friend, too! so i'm gonna let you go know. enjoy! :)


Jaimie’s POV:

The first few classes of the day went by pretty fast. Didn’t get much homework either, being the first day and all. Honestly, I was excited for math. I mean I absolutely love math and Ross will be there! I mean… BUT Ross will be there. Either way, should be fun.

The bell sounds meaning fourth period is over. Time for math! I get up out of my seat and take out my class schedule. I have had my hands glued to that thing all day. I have no idea where my classes were, kind of making me wish Ross was here to be my tour guide again.

I roam the halls looking around for room A203. I finally find it and walk inside. I take a seat apart from the crowd of girls surrounding Ross and Riker in the far corner. A girl sits at the desk next to me. She looks a lot like me- dark brown hair, brown eyes.

“Unbelievable,” she says to herself looking at the drooling mob of girls.

“I know, right. I mean I know they’re in R5 and famous and all, but it doesn’t mean they should stalk them!” I laugh.

“It is so ridiculous! Hi! I’m Gabriella.”

“I’m Jaimie.”

We talk for a while. I find that we have so much in common! She’s a fan of R5 too but is above all of the crazy fangirling though, like me. But she’s a little girlier than I am.

“I like your outfit!” I say to Gabriella.

“I like yours too! Guess we can share clothes, bestie,” she beams.

“What else are friends for?”

We laugh at my comment. Then all of a sudden, the lights are out and I hear, “Guess who?”

I already know who it is. I lower his hands from my eyes.

“Hands off, Ross,” I giggle and look over my shoulder.

“Ok,” he says suspiciously cheerful. Then Ross smiles for some odd reason. He pulls me up out of my seat, throws me over his shoulder, and parades around the room! I hear laughter. Everything starts spinning.

I scream pounding on his back with my fists, “Oh my god, Ross! Put me down!”

“Come on, Jaimie! Lighten up!” he laughs still running around the room.

“I really don’t like heights! Oh. I don’t feel so hot,” I groan in reference to my turning stomach.

He stops in his tracks still carrying me on his shoulders. “You’re only like 3 feet off the ground. What are you so scared of?” he asks surprised.

“That you’re going to drop me… and it’ll hurt!”

“I won’t drop you,” he assures me sweetly. “You can trust me.”

“So I can trust you to put the young lady down and take your seat, Mr. Lynch?” we hear a man say with a stern voice.

We are both startled. The only sounds we hear now are the sounds of shuffling feet, scooting chairs, and whispers. Ross turns slowly to face the teacher. I look over Ross’s other shoulder to see a bald man in glasses with crossed arms looking sternly at the both of us. With wide eyes, we smile back innocently.

“Um, Ross,” I whisper while tapping his shoulder.

“What?” he whispers back dumbfounded. He still stands frozen in front of the teacher.

“Put me down!” I whisper scream at him.

“I agree with her,” the man says. “Now put…” he pauses and scans the attendance list, “Ms. Woodland down and both of you return to your seats before you both get detention!”

Ross immediately drops me, and we both scramble to our desks. I take my original seat next to Gabriella, and Ross sits behind me. The color in my face finally returns. The teacher turns around to the white board and begins writing ‘Mr. Freeman.’ I grab my stomach in hopes of not throwing up.

Gabriella leans over. “Are you okay? You look kinda… sick,” she whispers still staring straight forward.

“Yeah, are you okay?” Ross asks me, concerned. He leans over his desk and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I let out between breaths. “Just… dizzy, but… I’m fine.”

The both of them quickly sit erect in their chairs as the teacher turns to face the class.

“Welcome to Algebra. I’m Mr. Freeman, for those of you who can’t read it on the board,” he taunts. “Let’s begin.” He smiles sinisterly.


*A/N like it? let me know! next update is next Saturday... unless i'm feelin generous again! :D

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