Off to Neverland (19)

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I had dreams when I was little. Dreams to grow up in a big house with my parents while I had no problems in the world, and dreams to go to a school where I didn't have to worry about being harassed or teased. I wanted to grow up with siblings that I'd fight with, but love at the end of the day anyway. I just wanted a big, happy family that helped me out if I ever had any problems.

Cassidy and Claudia killed those dreams.

The second the class ended, I bounded up to Cassidy and grabbed her arm before she could leave for her next class. She looked back at me as if I was insane, and right then I felt like I was.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped, my grip on her arm tightening. If I didn't calm down, I was going to be sent off to military school for fighting... "There's no way you got a scholarship. We both know you're nowhere near smart enough for that."

Cassidy smiled wryly at me, yanking her arm away and brushing it off as if I had some kind of disease that could affect her. I glared at her, waiting for her to respond to me. When she didn't, I wasn't that surprised. All she did was smile wickedly at me one last time before starting off toward her next class.

Fortunately I had Tyler in my next class, so I could get away with this if I asked him a favor. I was able to get to him before he went inside the classroom, and I quickly asked him if he could tell the teacher that I was going to be late and it was perfectly fine for me to be, since Tyler had that kind of power since he was a Lost Boy.

"Can I borrow your phone, too?" I asked sweetly, hoping he would say yes to what I was asking. If he didn't, everything I wanted to do was screwed. "I don't have one of my own. I'll give it back right after I'm done making my phone call."

Tyler shrugged, digging his hand into his pocket and producing his cell phone to me. "Here," he said before glancing back into the classroom. "I'll see you in there."

I quickly dialed the number into Tyler's phone after the hallway had emptied, and I angrily stood in front of my classroom as I waited for the person I wanted to talk to pick up the damn phone.

"Claudia Morgan speaking," the bored voice on the other line answered, and I felt my free hand ball into a fist. I hadn't heard her voice since the day she had slapped me... "Who, if I may ask, is calling?"

"What the hell is Cassidy doing here?"

"Don't swear, Olivia."

"I'll do whatever the hell I want, you vile excuse for a woman," I snapped, pacing back and forth through the hallway now, biting the inside of my cheek as I did so. "Now tell me why Cassidy's here, Claudia or I'll go down to the office right now and demand they tell me why she's here."

"She wanted to go to the school, so I let her go to the school," she answered casually, and I could have sworn that I heard Jersey Shore playing in the background. I bit down on my cheek even harder, and I didn't care that I tasted blood. "If Cassidy wants it, she gets it."

"There's no way you could afford sending her here," I spat at her now, getting angrier and angrier as every second passed by. We barely had enough money to get food on the table! How did she manage to get enough money to send Cassidy to Neverland Academy? She surely didn't get a job!

"Your father is working more, that's all," she informed me uncaringly, and I almost dropped Tyler's phone right on the ground. Was she kidding me? She was making my father work more just so her precious daughter could go to the school she wanted? That was absolutely ridiculous! Especially since she did nothing but lay on her lazy ass all day and just spent all our money!

Before Claudia could hang up, I slammed the phone shut before I started cussing at her. That inconsiderate bitch was going to kill my father one of these days! She was putting us in so much debt that it wasn't even funny! Why couldn't my dad see that?

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