No Ordinary Love

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Chapter One

Sandy sat outside Mr Willis's office, very nervous but very exited. The door opened and Mr Willis the Head Teacher came out to greet her 'Good Morning Miss Winters and welcome to Abbey Lane School"

It was Sandy's first day in her new job at the very beautiful and sought after Primary School. It was set in its own grounds, and had been part of this very close knit community for over 100 years. Mr Willis, escorted Sandy to her desk in the school office, she looked around, how on earth did I get a job here, she thought. She sat down at her desk and looked at her name plate it read SANDY WINTERS School Finance Officer, Mr Willis introduced her to Elaine Smith her assistant and left them to it. Elaine was 20 and had worked at Abbey Lane for 18 months it was her first job, she was very petite and had beautiful blonde hair, a natural tan and was very pretty. Sandy felt so old, but at 38 she still had a good figure, amazing skin and was a natural beauty even though she hid it all behind business suits and thick rimmed glasses.

Sandy settled into life at Abbey Lane very easily she got along with everyone and enjoyed her job. Her new life was going amazingly well!, New job, New Apartment and lots of new friends but one thing had not changed she still had Ali her best friend, even though they lived in different towns now it didn't matter 'friends forever', how cheesy, but very true.

Sandy had met Ali when they both started work for Jones Electrical in Liverpool, they had hit it off straight away. Same sense of humour, liked the same music and interests and both the same age sweet 16. In the last 22 years they had not had a cross word and had been there for each other through all the good and bad times in their lives and there had been many, the perfect friendship.

Ali had been Sandy's shoulder to cry on when she had split up with Jack 6 Months ago, they had been together for 13 years and Jack had been Married for all of them to someone else. Sandy had known for the last two years of the relationship that Jack was never going to leave his wife. She new she needed a fresh start and although Ali did not want Sandy to move to Manchester she new it was the best thing for her and supported her.

Sandy has been at Abbey Lane for a couple of months. This particular day she was on her own in the school office, Elaine was arranging lunch for a Governors meeting that was about to start any minute. The double doors which led to the classrooms burst open and Mrs Thomas, the teacher for Class 1, and a little girl Sandy new was in her class, rushed through shouting 'Miss Winters can you help me please' Sandy jumped up 'of course' she answered 'what's wrong' 'This is Libby she has had a bad fall and scraped all her face' Sandy could see the 5 year old had 2 bright red marks down the right side of her face, very nasty 'I have telephoned home but cannot get in touch with her Mum' Mrs Thomas continued 'but I have managed to reach her Dad, he is in the centre of Manchester and will be here in about 15 minutes, could she wait here with you please' "No problem at all" Sandy said.

Sandy sat with Libby, she was still upset her face still looked very sore. Sandy tried to take her mind off it, they did some drawing and Libby gave Sandy her masterpiece for her pin board. Libby was very chatty and soon forgot all about her face. What a lovely little girl Sandy thought. The buzzer broke her thoughts "Abbey Lane Primary" Sandy answered "Hi it's Libby's Dad to pick her up" the caller confirmed "Hi, she is in the main office if you would like to use the entrance to the side of the building" Sandy turned to Libby and bent down" your Dad's here, I will help you with your coat " Sandy could see a figure of a man heading for the door while she was zipping up Libby's coat, The door opened and Libby screamed "Daddy" Sandy stood up and turned around to greet the parent.

As she turned their eyes locked and Libby's Dad extended his hand to shake hers, Sandy felt like a school girl herself, her heart started beating faster and faster, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, she put out her hand to meet his and he introduced himself " Hi I'm Libby's Dad" " lovely to meet you" Sandy answered, she did not know how, but she managed to explain to him all about Libby's injuries and thanked Libby for her beautiful drawing, and they both left. Sandy stood still for what seemed like forever, until Elaine came bursting in talking about the governors lunch, coffee etc. Sandy was not listening "Sandy is something wrong" she asked, Sandy answered still not taking her eyes from the entrance door she had been staring at "Yes.....,No....., I don't know... I have just met Gary Barlow"

No Ordinary Love - A Gary Barlow FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora