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Two years later you are seventeen and have yet to meet the Ootori family. But today is your first day at ouron high.(don't care if misspelled) You are now a 2nd year and your sister Sammie is a first year. Katie is in the middle school and Carter in elementary. The youngest ones ,Shane and Emma, are at home with the staff and Nanny. (If any of these are your name then just change it at random when ever you see the names.)
Why must I go here of all places? Being homeschooled was pretty effective and it let me get more work done. It's not easy managing the family business. This royally sucks ass. Damn you Mr.Hichna, forcing me to go to school. And one that is pink of all things. This better be worth it.

I walk towards the overly priced school and roll my eyes as several students stare at me. I ignore them to the best of my ability and make my way to the front office with Sammie. As we enter the the office the head master sees us and calls me in.
"Go find your classes and don't cause any trouble, okay?" I say with a reassuring smile and nudge her in the direction of the door. She nods and instantly walks into another student. The head master and I can't help but facepalm and sigh as she lands on her ass. Typical Sammie.

She and the girl who she walked into instantly start talking and become insta besties. Well now I don't have to worry so much about her. I think as I walk into the head master's office.
"You wanted to speak to me sir."
"Yes. As you are the head if your family and the one looking after your siblings you will be the one we call if something happens to one of your siblings. Such as if they get in trouble, become ill, that sort of thing."
"I understand. Is that all?"
"For now ms.(L/N). Have a good day."
"You as well." And with that I leave the office and wonder down the endless halls in search of room 3-C.

I wonder the halls and soon enough the bell rings. Within moments the hall are deserted and nothing can be heard. It's so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Am I even in the right part of the school? They should really hand out maps to new students. Or have an assigned tour guide to help out the newbies. This really sucks. And I'm already three minutes late for class. Could this get any worse?

I pick up my pace and quickly go around a corner. But because of how lost in thought I am I run into a blonde haired boy. He is not much taller than me and has beautiful blue eyes. Of course. First I'm late to class and now I act like Sammie and run into someone. What next? At least I didn't fall.
"I am so sorry." I say as kindly as I can. The last thing I want is to seem cold hearted to someone I just met. Even though that is my first instinct.
"No worries my dear. Are you new here?"
"Yes. Do you know where room 2-A is?"
"Indeed I do, that is my class. Fallow me my princess." He grabs my hand and gently pull me down several corridors and past several classes that are in session. We are now fifteen minutes late. Ain't that just great.

We finally arrive at the class room and all I want to do is run away. The teacher is in the middle of a lecture and it appears that most of the students are trying to pay attention.
"Nervous?" He asks me as I stare into one of my many living nightmares.
"A bit. I hate being center of attention and when we walk in there everyone will look at us and..."
"Don't worry. It's not as bad as it seems. Want me to keep holding your hand?"
"Probably not the bets idea. That may make the students think that there is something between us besides a budding friendship. That is the last thing that would be at all helpful. Thank you for the offer anyway."
"No problem. My name is-."
"Tamaki! Why are you so late? And who is this?"
"Ms.Hichna, I was running late to school and I found..?" He looks at me and I realize that I never told him my name.
"Wondering the halls like an adorable lost puppy." LOST PUPPY!?! Calm down (Y/N). It's not all bad. He did call you adorable. I want to hit him upside the head. No, Bad (Y/N). No hitting people on the first day. That is a big no no.
"Well if that's the case then find your seats."
"Yes ma'ma." We both say quickly and rush to our seats. The only seat left is in between Tamaki and a boy with raven black hair and glasses. He seems rather serious for a high school student. I like this one already.
I have no clue what class they are really in so yeah. Can you already guess who you are sitting next to? Let me know your thoughts on this. 😊

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