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As Bobby and I sit at my desk and start to eat lunch I scroll through my e-mails and check if anything important has popped up. Nope. Just bills and other bullshit. Why does this shit exist? It's boring as hell.

"So, we're not gonna talk about how your sisters just burst in whenever they want?"

"So we're not gonna talk about why you don't want to go home to your wife?"

"If I tell you will you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I suppose."

"Karen wants kids."

"So? You knew this before marrying her."

"I don't.  Not right now anyway."

"You can't avoid talking to her about this just by living at work Bobby. Go home, sit down, and talk to her. Discuss this. Don't just hide and hope it goes away."

"Fine. But you should take your own advice."

"About what?"

"Avoiding the problem. You do that a lot."

"What a I avoiding?"

"Dating. Your 17. Go out and have some fun."

"I do have fun. Just last night I sent out with my fiance."

"Your what?!!"

"Oh... I never told you about this. Right... sorry about that."

"So tell me now." Bobby leans back against his seat and crosses his arms.

"Arranged marriage.  Dad did it when I was little. Didn't find out about it until last week."

"Who the hell puts their children into an arranged marriage these days?!?"

"Rich people apparently.  Something about merging the company or some stupid shit like that."

"Does this boy and his family know who you used to be?"

"No. And I plan to keep it that way. That part of me is buried six feet under. And that is where she is going to stay."

"Alright... Do you plan to go through with it? I mean I know it won't happen till after you graduate but are you?"

"I don't know. Probably not to be honest.  He's a great guy and all but I just met him the other day. Not to mention I don't know how he is going to act around the little ones..."

"Right. The twins. You do act like mother hen to them and the rest of your siblings. I bet that would make things a bit difficult to find a good partner. They have to accept them as well as you into their life. You act a lot like a mother to the younger ones. I reckon that you would want to be with someone who wouldn't be afraid of being able to the same thing."

"Add that in with being a high schooler and you've got someone who is nonexistent."

"Maybe date an older guy?"


"... I can't believe that just came out of my mouth."

"Neither can I."

"On second thought don't date. Just be you. And leave the dating up to your sisters when they turn 30. I'm too young to become a great uncle."

"I don't think they'll listen to that rule. Sammie already has caught the attention of a certain cake loving host."

"Host? What's this kid hosting? A birthday party or something?"

"I wish. It would make a lot more sense than what they do host."


"All those boys that came un with the girls earlier."

"It's not one of those pretend date things is it?"

"The girls wish it was. But no. All they do is entertain the girls that attend our school when they become bored."

"What do you mean by entertain? They don't-."

"No! They do nothing like that!" My face turns red at what Bobby was implying.  "Nothing inappropriate happens there. All they do is mild senseless flirting and polite conversation while the girls are between classes or have a free period. That's all."

"...That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And this is a school activity?"

"...yes. "

"Guess they haven't heard of a book club before."

"I'd be surprised if any of them have ever read a book before."

"I know three of them that haven't.  That blonde and the two Weasley rejects."

"You couldn't be more right Bobby. You couldn't be more right."

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