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How much longer are those two going to take? Sammie said that she forgot something and that they would be right back. It's been 30 minutes for crying out loud!!! THATS IT! IM GOING IN THERE!!!

I open the door to the limo and march up to the front of the school. All the while wearing the most undignified scowl imaginable. Yeah. I'm not having the best time right now.

The day started off so well. And now it's the complete opposite. I feel like I'm going to explode and... and... God I want to shoot something.

Just as I'm approaching the front doors a group of prissy girls block my way. And by the looks of it they think they mean business.

"May I help you ladies?" I say in a bitter sweet voice.

"Actually you can." The ringleader says and shoves her phone in my face. "Does this little video remind you of someone?"

The video playing is an old music video from 3-4 years ago.  The band consists of 5 people. And the lead singer is a girl. One that is close to my height and has my eye color. 

"Can't say that does. Now why does this matter?"

"Because I know for a fact that this girl in this video is you. And you can either do as I say or I'll let everyone know your little secret."

"Hate to break it to you sweetheart. But I don't sing or dance. And I sure as hell wasn't made for fallowing  orders that come from a stuck up bitch who doesn't know how to make it in the real world. Now either step off or I'll make your life hell." I growl and push past her and the bitch squad.

Honestly. Just who does she think that she is? And  how the hell did she find out it WAS me in that video? Then again she could have been bluffing. God I hope she was. I have too much at stake for something like my past to ruin everything.  Now where did those two run off to?

I walk all over the school before I decide to make my way back towards the front door. And there stood those two pain in the ass sisters of mine. Both with mischievous, smug smiles on their faces.

"Sheesh sis. What too you so long?" Sammie yawns and stretches. 

"Yeah. We've been waiting for you forever." Katie adds before they literally skip out the door.

What the hell are those two up to?!?


3rd POV while you are searching the school

Sammie and Katie give each other a serious look before they leave the huddled up hosts to talk to a nervous Kyoya. 

"Hey, Ootori.  We have proposition for you."



Hey everyone. Sorry for updating this for like a year. I am so sorry. And all of you deserve more than just a stupid excuse. I've just had some problems that have prevented me from being able to write. For me I can't write unless I'm in the right mind set and am able to match my mood with whats going on with the story. If I feel sad and depressed then that's what I'm going to write.  And with the big date coming up I felt that it would be best for me to be in the right mind set in order me to write the best that I can and put the correct emotion into it. So I am sorry for the long delay and the big date will be posted in a bit maybe an hour or two from now.  Once again I am sorry and hope that you can forgive me.

Also my leg feel like it's going to fall off from all of you kicking it. lol


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