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1st POV

'Well this could be going better.'  I think to myself as we sit an awkward silence. Kyoya shifts in his seat from time to time and I can't even bring myself to make eye contact with him. 'So much for my dating experience. Maybe I should have grabbed a book about dating.'

"So how do you think the others are going contribute to our date?" I ask, and finally make eye contact with him.

"In all honesty I don't want to know. But I'm sure it will cause some sort of scene."

"I can believe that. I also suspect that my sisters are going to be involved as well."

"Yes. I believe that as well."

I let out a small chuckle and give my head a slight shake.

"What's funny?" Kyoya asks with confusion radiating from him.

"Nothing really. Just that I find the fact that we've had several conversations in class together and only now does it seem that neither of us can find any words at all."

"That is a bit funny. But why do you think that is?"

"Because there was other people around. We are so used to presenting ourselves to the public that we were able to mask any uneasiness or any other feelings. However when alone it is easier to feel uncertain about things and harder to truly express ourselves. Dear God, I sound like a therapist of some kind." I chuckle and finally meet his gaze. 

"You did. But I agree with what you said. I believe that you are right. So how about we promise to never be anything but our true selves around one another?"

"Sounds good to me. But I am still finding the real me."

"I see. Then why don't you tell me what you think used to be the real you. The one before you took over all your responsibilities."

"I... I want to. But I'm not sure how you will react or treat me after. How I used to behave is not the most socially acceptable thing. I used to be quiet the trouble maker."

"Weren't  we all at some point."

"No where near my level of trouble and disappointment."

"If you don't want to tell me then I understand. We all have secrets that we want to hide."

"Thank you. I will tell you at some point thou. I know it."

"How about a secret for a secret then? I have quite the talent when it comes to painting"

"I know how to preform on a tightrope."

"What?!" He asks with wide eyes and it's clear that I caught him off guard. His expression is so sudden and pure that I laugh.

"Oh my, the face you just made." I laugh and try to calm myself. "I have seen a lot of people making similar ones but they've never been so pure and honest." I giggle as I finally start t clam down.

"Well you can't blame me. I've never heard anyone saying that they could do that. Might I ask what I ask where you learned this?"

"An old friend of my mother's runs a circus. And when I was little they asked what my favorite part was. And when I answered that I loved watching his sister on the tightrope they offered to have her teach me that summer. And that's how I know how to walk the tightrope."

"That's quite the story." He says with a small smile. "I like it."

"So what's your story? What got you into painting?'

"It's just something that I do to relax and take my mind off of things."

"I can tell that's not the full story but I wont pry. But do you think that you could show me the ones you've painted some time? I would love to see them."

Kyoya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now