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[ it's advised that you play the song when the three sisters are about to sing.
(Y/N) sings "love me like you do", Sammie: "see you again", and Katie: "sugar".)

I wake up the next morning at around 3 am due to my own set of twins waking up in a crying fit. I groan to myself as I roll out of bed and stumble towards to door to my room. The Nanny has tried before at getting the to go back to sleep but it never works for her. They need their big sister and a cuddle session to go back to sleep. They always get nightmares this time of year. Even though they may have been very young when our parents died they were in the room when they...

Shane's Banshee like screams echos and vibrate through the manor and causes several of the staff to wake up. In a very grumpy demeanor I might add.
"Oh, Shut your mouths and go back to bed." I growl to myself and shoot a glare at a certain cook who was about to open his fat mouth. He instantly sees that I'm not in the mood to deal with his own tantrum and goes back into his room.

I open the door to twin's room and quickly shut the door behind me. The Nanny is already trying to shush the two by trying to read them a book. There is no way that they can hear her over their screaming. I think to myself as I cautiously walk towards her.
"It's okay Nina. You can go back to bed. I got them." I say as I give her a friendly smile.
"Thank you Ms. (Y/N)."
"Nina, you can call me by name. You are pretty much family after all." She gives a small tired smile and a little nod before she leaves the twins with me.

"Shush guys. It's okay, it's okay. Sissy's here." I say softly as I gather them up in my arms. They instantly cling to my neck and sob into my shoulders. I hold back my own tears and quickly make my way back to my room.

Once there I see Sammie and Katie sitting on the bed and Katie has her guitar ready. I smile at them and set the sniffling twins in the bed next to them. The cling to each other and look at us with teary and happy eyes. They always love it when we sing to them.

[Play song now]

As we sing the twins snuggle under the blankets and start to fall asleep. But little did we know that the servants that were still awake had gathered outside the door and that Nina was recording us singing to the little ones through a crack from the door not being fully closed.

Once we are done singing and the twins are once again out cold we all go back to bed. My bed to be precise. I got in the middle with a twin snuggling into one side each with Sammie and Katie on either end. Thank Gog I was smart enough to get a big bed. I smile to myself as I fall asleep.

*Time skip to school*

When we get to school even more people give me weird looks. What is with these people? I groan to myself and force my way inside. By some miracle I manage to find my class this time and I only took one wrong turn, twice.

I quickly take the same seat as yesterday and start to read the book that I brought with me. There's nothing new that Ms. Hichna can teach me so I might as well do something that's somewhat educational. Though I doubt that the teacher will call romance novels educational in any way. But screw it, I'll do what I want. What are they gonna do? Call my parents? Can't wait to see her expression when I'm the one who answers the phone right here in the middle of class. That would actually be pretty funny. ;}

I'm so engrossed in my book that I don't even notice Tamaki and Kyoya co.e into the classroom. It takes me a couple of minutes to acknowledge Tamaki.
"Why are you staring at me, Tamaki? It's a bit rude don't you think?" I say as I turn the page.
"But it's even more rude not to take notice of a beautiful girl." He says flawlessly and flashes me a stunning smile.
"You truly are the Prince type. But I am not a client and we are not in the music room 3 now are we?"
"One of the benefits of having a younger sister is that not only does she quickly learn everything about what goes on around here but she also loves to talk about it. Not only to me but the entire staff as well. So I know pretty much everything that I need to know. You and your friends are in a host club where you are the president and Prince type. Kyoya is the "cool" type, the twins be the devil type as I recall. Mori is the strong but silent type while Honny is the one that is adorable."
(Can't remember the types but this will have to do.) "Now Haruhi is the average Jo who is sweet and polite to everyone. "He" is the only sane one that I have heard of. And I can verify that due to the fact that I had the pleasure of meeting "him" late last night at the market."
"Why were you at the market?" He asks with a look of confusion coming over his face.

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