Chapter 1: Dont Love Me Back

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Chapter 1: Don't love me back

SO YEAH. Hey! I'm Vicky. This is my first ever story, so I don't know if it's good or not. But, yeah. Hope you like it :) btw: this is all somehow ish based on my actual life, so lets just hope a certain set of twins don't have a wattpad and never, in a billion years, find this. Enjoy your reading :)

"So, tonight?" I ask. Lisa replies with a nod, half paying attention to me and half to her phone. I'm pretty sure she's texting Tommy, I recognize that I-don't-know-if-I'm-in-love-or-its-just-my-teenage-hormones look on her face. She walks over to the bench by the playground, in front of the school building, and sits down. Not even a goodbye. Maybe it was more of a It's-love-and-I'm-not-even-gonna-hide-it look.

I let her be. She probably has a lot on her mind, she has to figure out how to win Tommy over AND plan for her and Olive's party tonight. A big deal for most 17 year olds. I just sit down on the hill and find myself thinking of Sean. Believe me, I've lost hope in trying to get over him. His short brown hair, and matching dark brown eyes. The swimmer body... How am I supposed to get over that? Ahhhh, screw it. I'm not even supposed to be thinking of him. I have better things to do, believe it or not.

"Val!" Lisa calls over. She must be done with her sexting. "Val! Let's go! It's 5 already!"

I look at my watch, and my eyes widen. Grabbing my backpack, I run to the car and Lisa follows. I have to drop her off since her car is getting fixed, and since she still has to set up, we have to get there early.

I hear the faint beat of Roar by Katy Perry coming from the radio, 92.3 NOW knows what to play 24/7, music always brings my mood up and keeps me from thinking of Sean. Lisa reads my mind and turns up the volume.


I parked the car in the drive way. I know Mom always gets mad, but I was really not in the mood to try and get it to fit in the garage, it takes way too much effort. As I was walking out, I tripped over the package in front of the door. It's addressed to me so I got a little excited, who even gets mail these days? It's all just emails and texts and phone calls. As soon as I realized what it was, I have to admit, I let out a little scream... I was rushing to get my keys, which of course took longer than it usually does, just because I wanted to get them faster, and ripped the package right open. And there it was right in front of me: THE ONE INTERSECTION PERFUME THAT I WAS LONGING TO GET SINCE THEY ANNOUNCED THEY WERE MAKING IT.

And yes, I was dying with happiness a couple minutes ago when I first got it, but now the sadness hit me again. I'm now just sitting here with a room that smells like One Intersection, that is covered in One Intersection posters (I don't even remember what color my walls are), listening to "Over Again" by, guess who? One Intersection. Realizing that I love 6 people, who don't know who I am and/or don't love me back.

When the song ended, I glanced at the clock. It was now 6:16pm, and I hadn't even started to get ready. I got a hold of myself, wondering if I should shower before or after the party. I decided on after because, well, I already smelled like the One Intersection perfume anyways (aka good).

I was wearing the short, furry, black and white dress, with the hood and the ears. I have to admit, the Panda costume wasn't half bad. The make up was almost done, and the black, high topped converse, were by the door. My phone buzzes and I get a text from Mil (Don't ask me about her name, her parents wanted to be different, and instead of calling her Melody, called her Milody) She says she is waiting in her car, parked right next to mine in my drive way. I don't reply, because she knows the drill. I look out my window, holding my thumbs up, you can see the smile on her face from inside the car. That's pretty much our little "code", whenever we mean to say "yes" or "Im fine" or "ill get over it" we just thumbs up. It's a little funny thing that stuck on, it brings our mood up whenever we are feeling down.

As soon as I get in the car, I notice her hilarious costume. She's dressed as a cute, blue crayon. She even got a hat, that looks like the tip of the crayon. We planned to look as ridiculous as we could this year. It was our theme for the year. Last year we were cow girls, the year before we were Disney Princesses. And now here we are. A panda and a crayon, ready to party.


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