Chapter 6: Forgot your schedule, huh?

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CHAPTER 6: Forgot your schedule, huh?

It took a bit more explaining than that. We spend the weekend clued to eachother, just talking about the Phillips twins, giggling, hugging, staring at random ceilings.

Mil slept over on Saturday, so she could see the amazing One Intersection Perfume: "Our Moment". 

We were talking for the whole night, we even got to skyping Aishah, Kiara, and Jess some time during the night.

It was good to know that I had her back.

At least now I know I won't end up like Nancy.


"Val!" I heard a manly voice call down the hall, "Val!"

I turned by head around, even though I was rushing to get to Math Class. Mr. Molgnard will rip your eyeballs out if you're even a minute late. Besides, he is extra picky with me, because I absolutely suck at math.

"I totally forgot my schedule, do you happen to know if we have first period together?" Sean says, bumbing right into me as I turn around.

"Yeah, um... I think you're in my Math class?" I was completely sure he was, because he was part of the reason I was failing. He sat a sex distance away from me, literally, and I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful jaw. It's so perfect shaped, I can't.

"Right, I'm pretty sure I sit a sex distance away from you..." He says while helping me pick up my stuff. Crap I said it aloud.

"Yes, yes you did." He replies. With a devilish grin/smirk plastared on that stunning face.

I give him an uncomfartable, closed lip, smile.

We pick up the rest of my stuff, and head to hell- um excuse me- Math class.

"Late again, Ms. Petters?" Mr. Moulgnard gruns. "Great start to the week." He says trying to add some sarcasm into his almost slow motion voice. He's not capable of emotion.

I take my regular seat, and Sean takes his. Sometimes I wish he could just sit right next to me, we would be able to whisper to each other, and you know, hes amazing at math, we could always add some team work into tests...

But I also like having him sit away from me, it makes me more comfortable to just stare at him endlessly without having him notice. Would be difficult to do that if he sat at the desk to my right.

Speaking of tests...

"I'm going to pass back, the Pre-Calc Quiz." Mr. Moulgnard gruns again. Damn, that man is always in a bad mood. 

He gruns even louder as soon as he gets to my desk. He hands me the paper.

As I turn it over, I get a glampse of Sean's. Of course he got an A. He's perfect little Sean Phillips.

In a parallel universe, he would be the one with the big red F on his paper. 

Again, I am caught staring at the most "begorgeous" (as Jess would say) person in the world.

He's gotten way nicer to me these past days, and really, it's starting to get my hopes up. Maybe he does actually like me? But why would he, I mean there are prettier girls out there, why would he ever choose me? The girl he completely humiliated a couple years ago? 

My thoughts are interupted as his perfect eyes lock with mine. He starts to mouth something, but I, lost in the deepness that are his eyes, couldn't understand anything he mouthed. I just nod along and turn my focus back to Mr. Moulgnard.


"That puppy could literally be one of the most beautiful things I have EVER seen!" Mil says, looking at the picture of the puppy she might adopt.

"I'm part of that category too, you know?" I gracefully say with a mouth full of pizza.

Mil and I have a good laugh, while enjoying the most amazing school lunch (I hope you sense my sarcasm).

"I see you guys are back at it?" Siera joins our table.

"We never stopped being besties," Mil turns her head to Siera, "It was just a sisterly fight" That brought a smile to my face. Only Milody Potters (Yes, our names are Valerie Petters and Milody Potters) would forgive me like that.

"Mil is one of those golden friends" Siera comments.

"I'm part of that category too, you know?" I say. Mil literally spits her drink out of her mouth, cracking up at our new inside joke. Siera didn't really get any of it, but she is used to us being weird like this.

I turn around at the feeling of someone nudging me, "Ding-Dong," Sean says, "You might not be so good at math, but your amazing at English, how about some help?" Did he just call me a Ding-Dong? Supposed to be a compliment, maybe? 

"Did you just call her a Ding-Dong?" Siera burts out laughing. Sean blushes.

He doesn't reply to her, he just sits down next to me and we get on with the English homework. Siera and Mil just start having their own private conversation.

But really, did Sean Phillips really just attempt to give me a cute nickname?! I couldn't help but smile.

My thoughts from this morning were really starting to make sense. MaYbE SeAn pHiLiPs might actually LIKE ME. I might have looked calm to the naked eye, but inside I was exploding with happiness (and maybe a couple teenage hormones that make us over react to everything). This is absolutely perfect. 

"How about we just save this for tonight?" Sean asks.

"Tonight...?" I'm confused... what's tonight?

"Tutoring with math? Remember? I asked you today in math if you needed any help, because I could see the big red F on your paper from my desk..." So that's what he was mouthing this morning....

"RIGHT!" I snapped, not wanting to look stupid, even though he already thought I was stupid, I mean he offered to tutor me. "Sure, you tutor me in Math, I'll tutor you in En-"

The bell rang. Sam ran over and literally dragged Sean out of the cafeteria.

"-glish" I whispered quietly to myself. 


The clock kept ticking. With every "tick" my hopes crawled down deeper and deeper into the massive hole that was my loneliness. He was more than an hour late. 

IF he had a thing for me, I don't think he would just forget about it like that! I mean c'mon! He is the one that wanted to tutor me anyways, I personally think I don't need any of this tutoring crap. Yes, yes you do, you're as stupid as a stick. SHUT UP BRAIN! It kept coming back with amazing come backs... to myself? I think you need more help than just some math tutoring, *hint hint* Mental Facility. What the hell is my problem. 

I did text him, he never replied. Really, this is bullshit. He's just trying to humiliate me like he did before.

I grabbed my stuff and as I was about to leave I bumped into someone. Dropping my stuff again

"I'm so sorr-" I looked up to see an unfamiliar face, "Are you knew here? I'm sorry for asking, it's just that this school is so small, I pretty much know everyone, and I haven't seen you before..." I kept stumbling on my words. I wasn't good with new people. At. All.

"Yeah, I just moved here from California." He says, picking up my things for me.

"Well that's cool." I tried making conversation.

*Awkward silence*

"I gotta.. uhm... get going." New Kid broke the silence. "Maybe I'll bump into you in the hallways some other times"

"Bye..." I couldn't help but notice the scar down his arm when he reached down for my stuff. 


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