Chapter 4: And That Was That

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CHAPTER 4: And That Was That

Happy Reading :)

The lights came back on. Sam was just staring at me like I was some crazy freak kissing guys randomly in the middle of a power outage. And I kind of agree with him, what the hell got into me? This was never supposed to happen.

I heard a plastic cup drop to the floor a couple feet to my right. I turned my head to see Mil's tears kicking in. She was standing there, with her mouth wide open. She ran off, pushing past me. Oh my god Valerie, what have you done?

I was about to run after her, when Sam pulled on my arm. "WHAT?" I screamed, I was kinda over reacting :/ Maybe it was PMS? I don't even know. 

"What do you mean 'What?'? U cant just kiss me like that, and then run off!" He replies, I could sense the pissiness in his voice. He was definitely mad that Mil saw me kissing him, because, Mil might not have noticed it yet, but I could tell he kind of liked her as well. 

"Sorry, I.. um... thought you were Sean, and I wasn't even supposed to kiss him... or you... or anyone, it just kind of happened. Point is, I thought I was kissing Sean! Not you! Now let go, Mil is hurt... Sean! I mean Sam! GODDAMMIT!" I pulled away from him and ran off, urgh! I messed up big time, what is my problem. I have to find Mil.

I searched everywhere, but I mean, Mil is a cross-country runner, and I, well, I don't run. period. But I made an effort to try and find her as fast as I could, I'm not letting these stupid twins ruin it for us. Mil had told me a bunch of times, I know she likes Sam, and seeing what she saw probably crushed her. She's probably thinking I'm an almost-boyfriend stealing slut. God frekin dammit.

I opened the door to a room upstairs. I saw Olive and Max making out by the window. My eyes widened, I didn't think they were a thing. But well, aparently, they were. So yeah. Olive, being the sweatest, asked what was wrong.

"Uhhh... Sorry... I just wanted to find Mil, uhmm... yeah" I closed the door and took a couple steps back. Well, that was awkward.

Ok where could she be?! Not the living room, not this room, bathroom? 

Took me a while to find the bathroom. I bumped into a bunch of people. You could see Oliver and Genny were really flirting it up, they've taken a liking to each other since summer ended. I'm not sure what happened over the summer, but damn, was it hot in the room, or was it just me? He smirked at her, and I witnessed the second make out session of the night, and I quickly ran out, bumping into the door of the bathroom.

It wasn't locked or anything, and there was no one in it. Great.

I closed the door, and pressed my whole back on it. I slumped to the ground, and I could feel MY tears kicking in. Mil probably drove home, mad as frick at me, leaving me here with no ride. I hope she made it home ok. 

Mil, I can explain! I don't like Sam I promise! Call me sometime? Please, we need to talk! -Val

As soon as I put my phone away, I looked up to see Sean standing in front of me. This time I made sure it was Sean before I even said anything.

"I saw" He said. Great, now he also thinks I like Sam and my chances with him are completely over. "I don't blame you though, I mean he is very attractive" He gives me a playful smirk, but I don't even look up at his face. He sighs, and sits next to me. "You thought I was him, didn't you? It's all my fault, I shouldn't have flirted with you, I knew something would go wrong. Now Mil is probably mad at you... *Sigh*" I could tell he wanted to go on, but he just didn't know what to say. I looked up at his face, I recognized that horrible pitty look everyone was giving me in his eyes. Maybe it was more of a scared look, because I probably looked like a Killer Panda with my mesed up make up all over my face.

He hugged me and we sat there silently for a while. None of us spoke a word. Until someone needed to use the bathroom and we had to get up. 

"I have to go home now, Val" Sean said, helping me up.

"Right, I should probably go t--" Mil was my ride. Now what? Am I supposed to walk home?

"Let me guess, Mil was your ride?" Sean said with a little evil grin. 

"Pshhhhttttt no..." I replied. He sensed the sarcasm in my voice, pulling me by the hand and leading me to the car.

None of us spoke a word for the whole car ride.

Until we got to my house.

"Listen, Val. I've messed up a lot with you" Sean pulled my hand back, as I was about to leave. "I didn't want it to be like this. It didn't have to be like this. I just mess everything up all the time." I was hoping he couldn't tell how much I was blushing. 

"I'm sorry" He whispered.

And that was that. After a couple of months waiting for this, he'd finally done it. Sean Phillips apologized to me. 


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