Chapter 2: Here They Come

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Chapter 2: Here They Come


Lisa's parents werent home, so we had the whole house to our selves. There were cars lined up in front of the house already, even though Mil and I meant to get there early. Mil parked her gorgeous little New Beatle (I got a matching one) behind Jessica's (one of our besties) green mini. 

"OH.MY.F*CKING.GOD" She screamed, she really enjoys her curse words. "You guys look BEGORGEOUS" She also enjoys making up words. 

"You look stunning in that costume!" Mil replies. She was wearing a suprisingly cute peacock costume. When she first told me she was going to be a peacock, I thought she would look horrible. But she really did pull it off.

"The blue feathers really bring out your eyes!" I add. She mouths a "thank you" and we walk in together. 

I hug Lisa and Olive, giving them their birthday presents. No, they are not twins. No, they are not sisters. They are just besties with similar birthdays, who have thrown a halloween party for their birthdays ever since they met each other in 7th grade. 

There are about 30 people here. Lisa and Olive have only invited Juniors and Seniors, which would bring us to about 40 people. I know you might be like "ONLY 40 PEOPLE?" But yes, only 40 people. I know there should be about 200, but we go to this snobby little private school in the middle of no where. When we tell people we go to Whitney, they are usually like "Where?". The main schools here in Gunniver are Northern, Southern, and Central. No one even cares about Whitney. Actually, that's a lie. They care so much, they've gotten to the point where they hate us. Every month the High Schools throw a big party at Crove Street, and guess who's not on the guest list? Whitney High School. You could even call it some sort of school to school bullying. And that is why everyone else has friends outside of their school, except for us, because we don't get the chance of socializing with other people.

I spot Aishah, Siera, Sophia, and Kiara out of the corner of my eye. Since we have a small school, we really get to know everyone, and become really good friends with a lot of people. So we have a giant group of friends. But Aishah, Siera, Sophia, Kiara, Jess, Mil, Lisa, and Olive are my closest friends. We are together all the time. We are literally inseperable. There are also other people in our grade that we aren't that close with tho, but I wouldn't say they aren't nice. We're just so focused on each other, we don't usually pay attention to other social circles. 

I also spot the boys, Tommy and Oliver. Believe it or not, we only have 4 guys in our grade. 4 frekin guys, and 14 girls. The worst part though is that 2 of them look exactly alike. They are the most wanted of all of the boys. Sean and Sam Phillips. The most gorgeous twins you'll ever see. *Sigh*

Speaking of the devils, here they come. 

In my imagination, Sean would walk in through the door and instantly search the crowd to find me. Then he would walk up to me and kiss me like there was no one watching. Like it was just me and him, no one else. I could already feel his lips locking with mine, but Mil snapped me out of the moment. She gave me a slight nudge and stuck her chin out to him. I think maybe my imagination was finally lining up with reality. 


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