Trying to write English poems [1]

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* I'm Spanish and I'm not good at all in this style. I'm practising to my B1 exam and I need to write things like this. So, if you see a mistake, please, communicate to me in the comments. Thanks for reading!

The jewellery most expensive that I can buy

is the truth and the power of your insane love.

Trust me! I'm crazy, and in this terms I cry

doubting if the stars light me, or if I am a bad reflect of them.

The light has come down and I felt insecure.

Please, mother! Take care of me and do me a favour!

Pray to the stars which shine to listen to me,

because i need his soul and i feel

like a stone falling down a slope

breaking up into pieces until disappearing.

I try to control my feelings,

but I can't because my heart is powerful

and he beats and I feel the damage

of hearthless passed years

and I fall down again from the hillside

of my broken memories.

I thought that I had found the key,

but it was only one among the rest.

Another closed chapter in my life,

another shot of whiskey into my veins,

to feel something like the heart beating again.

En clave de poesíaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora