Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ariel's POV

Monday Morning.

"Hey guys," I hugged each of my best friends, sending them a warm smile.

"Wassup, cutie." Kate winked at me.

Aiden chuckled, "Hi, babe." He smiled, adjusting the snap-back that he was now wearing.

"Did you have fun at the party?" Kate smirked.

"I was having fun, until Zayn had to ruin it by kissing me," I sighed, i'm still pissed off at myself. How could I kiss him?

Aiden let out a bark of laughter, "No one can beat my amazing kisses, right Ariel?" He asked me.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, A," I sent him a wide cheesy smile.

He sent me a glare, "Ooh, she's trying to say Zayn's a better kisser! Offensive!" Kate joked.

Aiden pouted in an adorable way, "The both of you always gang up on me," He sighed.

"You're adorable," I laughed, pinching his cheek.

"I know," He smirked.

"I don't appreciate your cocky-ness." Kate snapped, jokingly.

"Well, I don't care!" Aiden yelled.

"Such children," I mumbled under my breath. Aiden just laughed.

"What classes do you have?" I asked. I'm quite forgetful.

"I believe I have Maths," Aiden said.

"I have Music," Kate said.

"Well, I have English in a few, so i've  got to go." I pouted.

"No, don't leave me with her!" Aiden yelled clinging onto me.

"Hey, I can hear you!" Kate smacked his arm.

"See you later, guys." I chuckled, walking away.

"Bye!" Kate and Aiden yelled.

As I was walking to class I saw a guy and girl making out. It was a heated make out session. A very heated make out session. Yucky!

The couple was leaned again wall by the room I was walking into. As I walked closer, I noticed a tattoo on the guys arm. It was a finger's crossed tattoo. Zayn's finger's crossed tattoo. Hmm, why am I not surprised? I tried to ignore them as I walked into the class when I dropped my phone. I had the door opened but I let it go to grab my phone. As I got up, the door bumped me in the face, causing me to fall back. "Ouch," I mumbled, getting back up.

Zayn faced me, chuckling. "Idiot," He mumbled. The girl started to laugh at me.

"Fuck off Zayn, and slut." I spoke, as I was regaining my balance.

"Watch your mouth bitch," The girl snapped.

"Oh, i'm so scared!" I said, throwing my hands in surrender.

That made Zayn chuckled. The girl glared at me, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class." I said.

"Bye bitch," The girl said.

"Bye whore," I smiled, walking into class. I took my seat and started copying the notes on the board.

Half way through the class, Zayn walked in. Great.

"How nice of you to join us, Mr. Malik." The teacher said.

"Not!" I yelled, causing the entire class to burst out into laughter.

Cliché - {Zayn Malik Fan Fiction Book 1, Cliché Series}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant