Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Ariel's POV

I'm sick and tired of all his shit. I'm just tired of his annoying player ways. Confused? Let me explain to you what had happened.






I angrily pushed the Cafeteria door open. I searched around the room, looking for him. He had once again, pushed my buttons. "Where is he?" I asked Kate and Aiden.

They both glanced at each other, confused. "Zayn. Where is Zayn?" I asked, again.

"Over there, Ariel, with his mates." Kate pointed to where Zayn and his mates friends were sitting.

Without another glance, I ran toward the table Zayn was sitting in. He had yet another girl sitting on his lap. Are you kidding me? I slammed my hands down on the cold table, catching everyone's attention. "Are you fucking serious, Zayn?" I yelled


 "What?" He asked in confusion.

"Can you hop off his dick so I can speak with him, Blondie?" I asked the girl in annoyance, earning a chuckle from the guys.

She raised her eye brow, "Excuse me?"

Cliché - {Zayn Malik Fan Fiction Book 1, Cliché Series}Where stories live. Discover now