Chapter 24: Guess What?

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I glanced up to see Bilbo unlocking my cell. Bilbo! He's here!  

"Bilbo." I whispered, knowing that the guards would be close by.

He quickly unlocked all the cells and we followed Bilbo into the wine cellar. The dwarves kept making fuss and Bilbo constantly hushed them up. When Bilbo stopped we were in front of large brown barrels.

"Quickly get in them." Bilbo told us.

"What?" Sam asked. "Why should we?"

The dwarves looked at each other, giving skeptical looks. Chloe was the first to go in and once I went in one of the barrels, Thorin ordered them to get in. Thorin got in the same barrel I did and luckily there was enough room for the both of us.

"Now what?" Bofur asked.

"Now you hang on." Bilbo said.

"Hold on-"

Before Bofur could finish his sentence all of us were sent rolling down into the water. Not too long after Bilbo joined us and he quickly got in the barrel that Chloe was in.

"Excellent work, Master Baggins." Thorin said.

As we swam out the currents were strong and violent, however we hung on for dear life. Once near the small gate, we heard a horn blow and just as we arrived the gate had closed shut.

However it didn't last long as the orcs arrived, fighting against the elves. Kili took the chance to open the gate and in that process he was shot by an arrow. The gate opened, sending us down the river.

Many orcs tried attacking us, however we fought against them, using their weapons. I used my powers of electricity and mist to defeat the orcs that continued to come our way. Legolas and the red haired elf joined us and helped pick off the orcs.

I saw Legolas fighting several orcs and from the corner of my eye there was one creeping up from behind him. I was about to use my powers, when all of the sudden an axe was thrown at the orc's head. What the? I glanced over to see Thorin grinning. "You've got to be faster than that, amrâlimê."

He helped Legolas despite his hatred for elves. Ever day I grew more and more in love with him. I gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"You never cease to surprise, my love." I replied.

He smiled as the river took us away from the borders of Mirkwood. We soon reached the shore where we all met up at. Thorin helped me out of the barrel and up towards the shore.

"Come on, we need to move." Thorin ordered.

To where?" Balin asked.

"To the Mountain." I spoke up. "We're so close, are we not?"

"A lake lies between us and that mountain. We have no way to cross it." Oin argued.

"So, we go around it." Bilbo suggested.

"The orcs will run as down as sure as daylight," Dwalin protested. "We've no weapons to defend ourselves."

"Kili's wounded." Bofur chimed in.

"Bind his leg, quickly," Thorin said rather hastily. "You have two minutes."

Kili had his leg bound up. He looked sickly pale though. At that moment there was a man with long chocolate brown hair and a matching beard. He carried a bow and arrows. Kili threw a rock and the man quickly deflected it with an arrow.

"Do it again and you're dead." The man said.

We just stood there in silence. Finally the man lowered his bow and had grabbed the barrels, placing them onto his small boat. That's when we walked over to him.

"You're from Lake Town if I'm not mistaken?" Balin asked. When the man did not reply, Balin continued to speak. "That barge over there, it wouldn't be available for hire by any chance?"

"Can you help us?" Chloe added.

"Why would I help you?" The man asked.

"Those boots and coat have seen better days." Balin commented. "And I imagine you have mouths to feed."

"Aye, I've got one boy and two girls." The man said.

"And I bet you're wife is a beauty." Balin added.

The man had finished loading the barrels at this point and he wore a sad smile as he replied. "She was."

"Oh I'm sorry." Balin apologized. "I didn't mean to-"

"Enough with this!" Dwalin scoffed. "We don't have time for this."

"What's your hurry?" The man asked.

"It's none of your business." Thorin snapped.

"I don't know what business you had with the elves, however I'm assuming it didn't end well." He commented. "So I'd like to know who you are and where you're going."

"We are simple merchants from the blue mountains." Balin lied. "We need to cross the lake to meet our kin in the Iron Hills."

"Simple merchants, eh?" The man asked with a look of suspicion.

"Aye, we also need food and weapons." Thorin added.

"Listen no one crosses the lake without the master's approval and most of the supplies and trade comes from Mirkwood." He explained.

"I bet there's a way in there though unseen." I spoke up.

"Aye, but for that you're going to need a  smuggler." The man retorted.

"We'll pay you double!" Balin suggested.

"And would you leave a pregnant woman out here all alone?" Chloe blurted.

My eyes widened at her words. I was about to say something when the man whipped around at her words. "Pardon me? Are you with a child?"

Sam immediately glared at Bilbo who was frightened to death. I realized that it was time for me to speak up and so I did.

"She's not the one with a child." I spoke up. "I am."

Everyone stared at me, shocked by this news. Sam growled as he glared at Thorin. I was afraid to talk to Thorin now. His eyes held mixed feelings, however I swear seeing a smile on his face.

"I can't believe it." Sam growled in his alpha voice. "That's my sister, Oakenshield!"

He was heating up and getting angry. If he didn't calm down he was going to shape shift.

"Sam Uley!" I growled in my beta voice as I stood in front of Thorin. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HIM AND I'LL MAKE SURE IT'S THE LAST THING YOU DO!"

I had a force field in front of me just in case Sam dared to attack either Thorin or me. His sharp teeth were a few centimeters away from my cheek. He gave one last growl before changing back.

"Is there anymore of you that can do what he did?" The man asked, a bit frightened.

"Besides Sam, just Chloe and me." I replied. "That's Sam, my brother and that's Chloe, my sister."

"Bard." The man said. "My name is Bard."

"So what do you say? Will you take us?" I asked him.

He gave me a smile. "I'll help you guys."

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