Khalil 1

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After the funeral we were all back at Legacy's house, I sat next to Marcus and watched Kadeem talked to Legacy's mother. My blood was boiling I've been waiting two weeks, to beat his ass, two weeks since he walked into the hotel room, Marcus must have sensed my anger because he gently grabbed my face and made me look at him. Usually just looking at him would calm me down but not right now I was too pissed, the door opened and Cam walked in with Liberty, Kadeem got up and tried to speak to him but Cam brushed past him roughly. That almost made me smile, Kadeem looked around passing over me quickly before turning back to Legacy's mom they spoke for a few more minutes and before Kadeem kissed her on the cheek and started walking out the door..... now's my chance I got up ignoring Marcus who was calling me back, I was so close I could almost taste it. I walked out the house he still hadn't noticed me yet, he was almost out the yard when I started cracking my knuckles. Kadeem must have heard it because he turned around go I wanted him to see it coming, I was about ten feet away when I was yanked back and pushed roughly up against someone's car. I started to flip on the person until I saw the anger in Enzo's eyes.

"One day Khalil..... you couldn't put your anger aside for one fucking day?" Enzo asked quietly, I knew he was pissed because while most people got louder when they were mad, Enzo got quiet.

"Zo you know what he di....." I was cut off by Enzo punching the car about an inch from my head , cracking the window in the process.

"Yeah I know what he did Khalil and we'll handle it..... but right now I need you to stop worrying about yourself and your fucking ego Legacy just lost his dad and here you are about to fight Kadeem over some shyt that truthfully can wait 24 hours...... Look I gotta go check on Legacy." Enzo said releasing my shirt.

"You're right bad, I'm just going to head back to the hotel can you ask Marcus to ride back with Cam?" I said quietly, Enzo nodded his head before walking away. I got and my car and sped back to the hotel. Enzo was right that wasn't the place but what Kadeem did was........ unforgivable. My phone started ringing and I turned on the car bluetooth. "What's up bro?"

"How's Legacy doing?" Devin asked. He opted to stay in Houston because he hated funerals and with his arm still in a sling I didn't want him doing any travelling, I felt bad leaving him alone considering everything that happened but I knew he was good with Zyshaun watching him.

"He's taking it pretty hard he was really close to his dad....... how you holding up Dev?" I asked quietly.

"I'm good Khalil my shoulder hurts like a bitch but I'm good luckily it was only a graze, a deep graze but it could've been a lot worse thankfully Legacy walked in when he did........ I just feel bad because I should be there with y'all but I can't go to another funeral." Devin said quietly.

"Legacy understands Devin, but look we should be back tomorrow afternoon so call me if you need anything Devin." I said as someone called me on my other line. "I'll call you when I get to the hotel aight and make sure you take Anubis out."Devin agreed and hung up, then I clicked over. "Please tell me you found that bitch." I said as soon as I picked up.

"Nah nothing yet Lil you know I'm working on it....... but that's not why I called, I called to make sure you were alright Gonzo just called and told me that you almost beat your dad's ass in front of Legacy's house." Zyshaun said.

"I'm good Zy, I just had a moment. So you haven't found Roseline yet, have you found out how her and that nigga Julius got into the hotel in the first place?" I asked. I rolled to a stop and noticed I was in front of Kadeem's house, damn I must have drove here subconsciously.

"Again I'm working on it Lil...... just try to stay outta trouble until we can figure everything out." Zyshaun said.

"Zy you have a million connections and you mean to tell me that you still haven't figured out how they got in there?" I asked irritated.

"Khalil if I had a female counterpart it would be Roseline, she's just as resourceful as I am...... Roseline won't be found unless she wants too and since you wanna keep bringing it up are you ready to tell me what exactly was said in your hotel room that's making you so on edge?" Zyshaun asked.

"I'll call you later Zy..... Marcus's is calling." I said hanging up, I switched over and braced myself for an argument.

"Get to the hotel now." Marcus said calmly, yeah he was definitely pissed. I shook my head and smirked, well I might as well get this over with.

I walked into the hotel room and found Marcus sitting on the bed his arms crossed and a frown on his face, I walked in and took my jacket off sitting it on the chair and walking over to Marcus. He didn't even bother looking at me, as soon as I sat down he jumped up.

"How did you beat me here and where's Cam?" I asked trying to break the deafening silence.

"Cam is staying with Liberty tonight but he'll meet us at the airport tomorrow...... Khalil you promised that you would put your differences with Kadeem to the side while we were down here. Were you really going to fight him right after Legacy buried his father?" Marcus asked looking at me.

"I'm sorry Mar' but whenever I think about what he did...... if something would've happened to you..... I'm sorry Mar." I said quietly.

"Khalil look at me, I'm fine, you're fine, everyone is fine. I don't know what Kadeem was planning but whatever it was, it didn't work, let's just forget about it." Marcus said walking over to me.

"I can't Marcus.... you don't know what he said in that room, they aren't going to stop Kadeem, Roseline, Julius... they've all been planning this since the day we started going together, I promised I would never let you leave me again and I meant that Marcus." I said looking into his eyes.

"What are they planning Khalil? What did they say that had you so scared of loosing me?" Marcus asked.

"Baby listen I can't tell you that...... if you knew....... look Marcus I'm trying to protect you, the less you know the better." I said getting up.

"How are you protecting me? By keeping whatever it is that you're hiding from me you could be putting me in more danger." Marcus said standing up and getting in my face.

"Oh just like you and Zyshaun aren't keeping shyt from me? Marcus I'm not stupid whatever it is that you and Zyshaun are hiding I know it has something to do with me...... and I've never pressed you about it because I know whatever it is y'all are just protecting me, so please don't press me about this because I'm protecting you." I said grabbing his hand, for the longest time he was quiet.

"When does it end Khalil? When will we get our happy ending?" Marcus asked.

"I promise you Marcus once all this is over all of us will have peaceful lives." I said kissing his forehead. Even as I said I knew it was a hard promise to keep, with everything going on in the last two weeks that all stemmed from the New Year's party, I just hoped like hell me and Marcus could have our happily ever after........ but that might be close to impossible especially if Marcus found out about the phone call I got this morning......

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