Tion 80

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For those of y'all who don't know me my name is Tion Lamar Hayes, wide receiver for the Houston Texans, I'm from Columbus, Ohio and I went to Louisiana State University. I'm a father of two wonderful twins T.J. and Taryn..... which makes sense considering that I had a twin sister myself, but I'll try not to talk about her because anyone who knows her knows she doesn't need and introduction. My life now was somewhat perfect...... but there was one thing missing someone to share my happiness with, real talk I was lonely there was only one person in the world I could tell that too and that was the dude laying at the foot of my bed drunk, my little brother Seven. He knew all too well what I was going through there were no secrets between us well accept one and that was the fact that the mother of my children, the same woman who left my kids on my doorstep because she didn't want them is now filing for joint custody and that was just one more thing I'd have to deal with when I got back to the states. I looked at Seven and smiled because he was whispering his husband Tyson's name in his sleep, I laughed quietly and shook my head even though I was happy that Seven had found and married his soulmate I was slightly jealous all my siblings were happily married or in a committed relationship I was the only one alone. I needed to get out this room I started to get up but not before literally kicking Seven off my bed, I loved my little bro but he had a really bad habit of stealing my clothes and he's been that way since we were little.

"You play to fuckin much T, damn I was having a good dream." He said not even bothering to get off the floor and I didn't blame him the carpet was as soft as puppy fur.

"Yeah I know that since you talk in your sleep." I said laughing, Seven didn't respond he just pulled the cover off the bed and went back to sleep. I got dressed and decided to go and sit by the pool the sound of water always helped me think clearly. When I got out there Zaire was talking to Khalil and Marcus's brother Marsean which shocked me but they were talking like long time friends. 

"Sev still sleep?" Zaire asked as I sat at the table with them, I nodded and Zaire shook his head. "I swear he sleeps to much I'm starting to think that he got Tyson pregnant because all they both seem to do work, sleep and fuck. I swear it's like their both till in that honeymoon phase."

"Yeah that happens sometimes...... so how do y'all know each other?" I asked pointing to Marsean and Zaire.

"We just met actually but I found out Marsean was a doctor as well and I found it funny that we lived in the same city but never met." Zaire said, my phone started ringing and when I saw the number I knew I'd have to leave the table because whenever I talked to Mireya it tended to get a little intense. I walked to the edge of the pool and sat down letting my feet rest in the water.

"Where are my children Tion?" Mireya asked with an attitude, I took a deep breath and counted to ten she was trying to piss me off and I wouldn't let her.

"Mireya they're in the same place they were when you called yesterday with my dad. But since I got you here on the phone what's your deal you haven't wanted to see them since you left them on my doorstep now all of a sudden you want to be in their lives what are you playing at?" I asked calmly.

"They're my children Tion I have every right to want to be in their lives if I want and for the record I didn't leave because I didn't want them, I left because I didn't want to be with you..... does the name Marcellus ring any bells?" She asked and I rolled my eyes hard, she was always throwing Marcellus in my face.

"Mireya I fucked up by cheating on you with Marcellus and I've apologize countless time but that's still no reason for you to leave your kids. I understand you being mad at me but you went about it the wrong way." I said.

"Whatever Tion jut make sure your punk ass don't miss the court date." Mireya said hanging up on me, now I'm not the type of dude to bad mouth the mother of my children but this bitch was starting to get on my nerves.

"So who's Marcellus?" Ricardo said standing behind me, this was the second time he snuck up on me and honestly it was getting old. "I'm just fucking with you dude relax.... so you have messed with dudes before." He said smiling.

"Once or twice but honestly it's none of your business, I told you the other night I'm not interested you already got enough dudes chasing after you the last thing I need is to be in a battle royal for some dude that could never love somebody not even himself. Now excuse me." I said getting up and walking back over to Zaire, Khalil and Marsean.

"You alright Tion?" Zaire asked looking at me concerned.

"Nah Zai..... Mireya still trippin but I got it handled. What we need to be focused on is what are we going to do tonight you know we're leaving in two days and I'm trying to turn up before we head back to the states." I said playing my anger off.

"Well I was thinking we could go to this club I heard about, but we need to leave the children here I'm not trying to babysit anybody tonight I'm trying to have some fun." Khalil suggested and I nodded, I didn't feel like being around Ricardo ass so if he wasn't coming I would be happy to go. We started talking some more when someone walked up behind me and put me in a chokehold I already knew it was Seven because all that dude wore was Curve cologne.

"Get off Seven before I fuck you up." I said laughing as he let me go.

"Y'all mind if I barrow Tion real quick." Seven said pulling me away, he didn't say anything until we were in his hotel room. "So I couldn't help but notice that dude Ricardo wants you to fuck him in the worse possible way..... and I'm here to tell you don't do it, I can spot a hoe from a mile away and I swear it's stamped across his forehead." Seven said looking at me.

"Baby bro who do you think you're talking to? Remember I'm the taught who told you about everything you know so I don't need a lecture.... and I'm not worried about Ricardo he just wants some attention which I won't give him, I got things handled." I said, that seemed to be my lie of the day.

"Tion come who do YOU think you're talking to? We tell each other everything and I know that you haven't had sex in what a year?" Seven said looking at me.

"About eighteen months." I said, not that I was counting or anything. "But unlike you I don't need sex Sev, I'm good besides you and I both know that if I wanted to have se it would be all too easy. But look since you're here I need a favor, I'm going out with Zaire, Khalil and them dudes and I need you to hang out with the younger dudes and make sure that dude Ricardo doesn't try anything slick just kep him occupied for the night." I aid putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Aight but you owe me Tion, now let's go get something to eat." Seven said walking to the door.

"Seven is that my belt?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah but it looks better on me." He said walking out the room. I swear he got on my nerves but it was coo I couldn't be mad at him because I already knew he was going to take something when I left him up here. I walked out into the hall and found Zyshaun standing outside the door.

"Ayy I was looking for you, can you take a walk with me?" Zyshaun said, I looked at Seven how said he'd be down stairs waiting as I took off walking with Zyshaun.

"Look man if this has anything to do with Ricardo I'm telling you I don't want him in any way shape or form." I said seriously.

"What nah this has nothing to do with Ricardo and besides he ain't nor will he ever be my dude, he's just something to do when I get horny. What I wanted to talk to you about is I have a proposition for you, I have this new R and B singer coming up and I need to get her some publicity I figured if she was seen around with a very famous football player it might help launch her career even further." Zyshaun said.

"So you want me to pretend to date this girl to help her get famous?" I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Well sorta see the thing is she was dating this singer named Lafayette and he's kinda signed with a competitor of mind it might cause you some issues but nothing you can't handle. If it makes you feel better I'll pay you, just take her on a couple dates, take a few pictures, and pop up in a few of her videos." Zyshaun said, I thought about it for a second I really didn't need anything distracting me from the custody hearing with Mireya but on the other hand maybe this was what I needed.

"Aight I'm in but the minute things start to get out of control I'm done." I said seriously. Zyshaun nodded and walked away, I stood in the hallway wondering what the hell was I getting myself into.

***** The my next story will be The Untold Tion Hayes Story this was sort of an introduction. *****

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