Devin 2

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I just wanted my life to go back to normal, no dealing with jealous exes, no bodyguards following me every time I wanted to take a piss, no cameras in my face every time I stepped out the fucking house. I just wanted to be able to go out with Nico and not have to deal with anything but us...... but I knew that was impossible. I would never be able to get over seeing the look of hate in that nigga Steph's eyes as he got ready to pull the trigger, I would never be able to go to class with Zyshaun's bodyguards following me like lost puppies, and I would never be able to eat in peace with the whole world knowing what Khalil Cunningham's little brother is doing (thanks TMZ), but the most heartbreaking of all I would never be able to look at Nico again without the feeling the sting of him picking that nigga Fake Devin or as Cam and Legacy called him Devin-Lite. This was miserable as fuck I thought as I sat, this fucking sling was really starting to get on my nerves the only reason I still had it on is because the last time I took it off I ripped my stitches. I walked out Khalil's house and noticed Zyshaun's bodyguards car sitting in front of the house, fuck there goes my plans of getting McDonald's, I walked back inside and checked my phone Antonio had called again but I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I scrolled through my missed calls and saw Will had just called before Antonio so I decided to call him back.

"What's up bro?" I asked sitting on the couch as Marcus's puppy Anubis ran up tp me and started trying to pull my sock off my foot.

"You still on house arrest?" Will asked laughing.

"Yeah man, the Men In Black are still watching my every move, forreal I'm getting sick of it. It's bad enough they follow me to class but I can't even leave the house without them trailing, fuck all I want to be able to do is get out the fucking house without them following me. " I said petting Anubis.

"Well get dressed because me and Shoo Shoo are about to stage a jail break." Will said excitedly.

"I don't know Zyshaun's bodyguards are pretty efficient, I tried to sneak away from them earlier this week and they beat me to my destination, plus if Khalil finds out hes going to be beyond pissed." I said.

"Come on Dev we haven't chilled since before New Years, look I got a fool proof plan to get you out the house. Just trust me." Will said seriously.

"Aight man what do I gotta do?" I asked.

An hour later I was sneaking out the back door, I felt stupid as fuck. I haven't had to sneak out the house in years but Will was right I needed to get out the house and I definitely needed a break from everything that had been going on. I crept slowly through the backyard and hopped over the neighbors fence, I'm glad they were still outta town..... as I moved through their yard I was spooked by the motion sensor lights and I froze. My heart rate sped up then after a few seconds I regained my confidence and continued through the yard, I hopped over two more fences and power walked through the big ass yards, by the time I walked around the empty house on the corner my arm was starting to bother me but I brushed it off.... maybe I should've brought my sling with me but it's too late now. I walked from behind the empty house and saw Will's car and took off running and dove inside.

"Drive." I said quickly. Will sped off and I kept looking back expecting to see The Men In Black following us after a few miles I started to relax, then I started to laugh. "Man Khalil's is going to kick my ass when he finds out." I said laughing.

"Well you better live it up tonight, what do you wanna do?" Shoo Shoo asked.

"I don't care, as long as it involves me getting drunk as fuck." I said laughing, Will nodded and started driving to Austin. The whole ride all they wanted to ask about is what happened at the party but truthfully I wasn't ready to talk about that yet. We pulled up to the Shoo Shoo's apartment and all got out, the first thing I noticed was Blaze standing by his car with Yin and Rex.

Homecoming Pt. 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora