Khalil 28

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"I don't think I could make myself any clearer, either he goes or I'm walking. I'm tired of this dude harassing me and my family and y'all sit around doing nothing because y'all don't have any proof. I've been playing here for eight years and I've never lied to y'all, when I fuck up I tell y'all about it, when I'm wrong I'm the first to admit it, so why would I be lying about this? Coach when Dallas tried to get me you were the first person I told about it and you asked me to stay...... but right now it's looking like Dallas is the move to make, because I'm not dealing with this shyt for another year." I said looking around the room at the coaching staff, some of the veteran players, Tion, and the GM in the center of the room was Vic who stood there like a child how was about to get in trouble.

"Khalil please calm down let's try to work this out, it's not fair to us or your teammates to put us in this position. Now look I understand you frustration but making threats isn't going to help anyone least of all you." Coach tried to reason with me, but I was at my limit. First some dudes tried to jump my little brother, then my dad tried to rationalize his reasoning behind sending Sa'vion in the first place, and now this dude is back trying to fuck with me.

"Why would y'all even send this dude to my house KNOWING everything he's put me and my family through?" I asked looking around the room.

"Khalil listen I thought we were past all that bullshyt, you said it in that interview yourself that we both want what's best for the team. I know how I acted last year was childish and stupid but I was honestly trying to look out for you, everybody tried calling and you weren't picking up so we got worried. I'm sorry for showing up to your house like that but believe me when I say I'm over it I just wanna play football that's it." Vic said solemnly. I looked around the room and some of the other players looked the way I felt, this dude was full of shyt..... but the craziest thing was I saw that some of the coaching staff actually believe this dude he delivered his lines with so much conviction that it was almost believable.... almost.

"Fuck you...... you lying piece of shyt, I'm over all this." I said throwing my hands up and walking out the room, I know I was probably acting stupid but I was tired of the bullshyt. I was almost to my car when my boy Jones and Tion ran up to me.

"Khalil hold up, I'm not going to stand here and pretend like I know what you're going through because I don't..... but you walking out isn't helping anyone but Vic." Jones said seriously.

"I don't give a fuck truthfully. That dude is a manipulative bitch and I can't live in the same city as him." I said heated.

"Khalil remember what you promised me your rookie year? You promised me that you were going to stick with this team until the very end, through the good and the bad, and you weren't going to stop until you got at least two rings. We've been to two Superbowls because of you, hell we even won one of them because of you........ the whole team knows that and they are ready to stand behind you but you gotta stick with us. This is my last shot after this year I'm done and I'll be damned if I let you leave before you keep that promise. " Jones said looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry Jones but I've made up my mind either he goes or I do." I said getting into my car and sped off.

I got home and Marcus was outside playing with Anubis, I sat in the car and watched him. I swear there was nothing I wouldn't do for him, when I got back from Miami he told me that he didn't feel comfortable with Vic knowing where we lived so the next day I started looking for a new place to live, if he asked me to do anything I would do it without question. Marcus looked up at me and smiled, I got out the car and walked over to him, I pulled him into my arms and kissed his neck.

"I take it didn't go well?" Marcus asked, I looked at ignoring Anubis trying to climb up my leg. I shook my head and Marcus rubbed my face. "Khalil I know this is a lot and I'm sorry for asking you to leave your house...."

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