Khalil 24

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I walked through the mall with both my little brothers, even though we had called a temporary ceasefire on our friendly war they both seemed on edge. Cam kept looking over his shoulder while Devin was constantly checking his phone, I didn't know what was wrong with them but whatever it was, had me starting to feel nervous as well. It seemed like every store we went in they were in and out which wasn't like them at all especially Devin who took longer to shop then most women. I need to get to the bottom of this before I lost my mind, but I knew them and I knew they whatever was going they weren't going to talk especially if they were together so I had to separate them. Cam was going to be the easiest to get to talk, so  knew I had to get him away from Devin.

"Devin I need you to go get my phone out the car." I said walking up to him. Cam looked at us and him and Devin had a quick conversation with their eyes, before Devin nodded.

"Khalil I think I should go with him, I forgot my wallet in the car anyways." Cam said walking towards Devin, I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"It's fine Cam... Devin can go get it, unless there's a reason way you don't think Devin should be going off on his own." I said seriously looking at both of them again they had a silent conversation before Devin shrugged and walked off.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" I asked as soon as Devin was outta sight. "And don't lie Cam because I know somethings up, y'all are too quiet and y'all seem nervous. So what's up?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"It's nothing Khalil...... just finals coming up and all that other stuff it's just stress, don't worry about it." Cam said smiling, but I could tell by his eyes that he wasn't being honest. I held his gaze until I could see his resolve breaking. "Khalil it's nothing forreal....." Cam said looking away.

"Cam why are you lying what's going on with y'all two?" I asked.

"Here's your phone." Devin said walking up behind us and I could almost see the relief on Cam's face. "Ayy y'all ready to go? We gotta get back before Marcus tries to kill all three of us." Devin asked calmly, Cam nodded and I just shook my head something was definitely up with them two and I was determined to find out.

We pulled up to my house and as soon as they tried to get out I hit the power lock, they weren't going anywhere until they told me what was going on. I had to give it to them, we sat in the car for thirty minutes without the AC and they still hadn't broke but I could see that they were close.

"Khalil can you please let us out the car? Seriously it's getting hot ass fuck." Devin said getting pissed.

"Sure as soon as y'all tell me why ya'll were so nervous in the mall?" I asked.

"Fuck it, Devin he's not going to let us go until we talk until we talk and I'm too sexy to be sweating like this." Cam said wiping his face. Devin rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Aight man fuck......... so here's what's been going on Sa'vion was fucking Staci in my bed, he kissed Nico, and then Sa'vion and Iman were caught plotting on me but they weren't alone they were with someone Nico didn't know, I don't know how but Nico managed to get away but he did... he found me and  told me everything they said after that.... he pretty much cussed me out and said it was all my fault, he said drama follows me everywhere I go and he's over it....... So now we're just waiting for their next move since they've sorta fell off the map. If you wanna know why I kept checking my phone it was because I was hoping Nico texted me back but he hasn't......" Devin said.

"Why am I just now finding all this out?" I asked pissed.

"Khalil you got enough on your plate with the wedding and we were going to tell you just..... when the time was right. But the thing is after we sat down and talked about it we don't think they're after you and Marcus, we think right now they wanna focus on me and Dev." Cam said.

"Devin what are your plans for spring break?" I asked quietly.

"Umm I was jut going to chill on campus...... why you're not thinking about putting me on lock-down again are you because I don't think I could handle that." Devin said laughing.

"Look I don't want to leave you alone...... Marcus will be here with his mom and Tonya, me and Cam will be on our little trip, and Legacy will be with Enzo. I would feel better knowing that you weren't alone." I said looking at him.

"Oh he won't be alone...." Cam said laughing, Devin turned around and hit him on the leg.

"Stop both of y'all, Devin what is he talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing Khalil, I'm going to be between campus and my parents house. Cam is just being an idiot. But seriously Khalil I'll be fine if you want I'll check in every couple hours just so you know I'm fine, now can yo please unlock the door so I ca use the restroom?" Devin asked. I unlocked the door and let him out, but asked Cam to hang back for a second.

"Cam what did you mean when you said that Devin wasn't going to be alone?" I asked.

"Devin's been hanging out with this dude named Blaze a lot, I don't know what's going on between them but Dev swears they're just friends. I think Devin is scared to jump into another relationship and with everything going on he's really not trying to bring dude into it, which is understandable....... but do really think it's best if we leave Devin here by himself?" Cam asked climbing into the front seat.

"What are you suggesting?" I said looking at him.

"Get him outta here, convince him to go somewhere..... maybe let him use your cabin for the week, or something." Cam said.

"I'll talk to Devin but you know how he is, he's hardheaded." I said laughing. "But you're right if Sa'vion is planning something Devin needs to be away from here at least for Spring Break." I said, Cam nodded and started to say something but there was a knock on the window. I looked at Marcus who was standing at the window with his arms crossed, I fought back a  smile as he rolled his eyes.

"Khalil we need to talk." Marcus said walking away before I could respond, I jumped out the car and followed him into the house. I walked into our bedroom where he was standing by the bed. "Khalil can you explain why my mother is under the impression that she's about to go on a date with Zyshaun?" Marcus asked looking pissed. Without meaning to I started laughing, Marcus punched me in the chest but I couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm sorry babe, but they are both clearly grown and there's little I can do to stop them. You know how your mom is, she just want's to get her groove back and Zyshaun is just helping her out. But look if it'll make you feel better I'll call Zy and make sure he's on his best behavior." I said pulling out my phone.

"Khalil which one do you think Zyshaun will like better?" Marcus's mom said walking into the room with two different lingere sets on her hands. The look on Marcus's face was enough to make me lose it, I laughed for a solid hour after that while Marcus went on a rant about how this wasn't funny. When I finally stopped laughing I went to talk to Devin but he was already gone but Cam was still here.

"Where's Devin?" I asked sitting on Cam's bed.

"He said something about going to talk to Nico..... but he'll be back." Cam said quietly, I didn't know what was going on with Devin and Nico but I really hoped they worked it out mostly for Devin's sake.

"Look Cam I need to make a phone call real quick." I said getting up, I walked into my room locking the door behind me, I dialed the number and let it ring three times before hanging up knowing he'd call right back.

"Wassup?" He said quickly.

"Smoke....... I need a favor." I said quietly.

"You know I got you....... just tell me what it is." He said, I went in to detail about what was going on and when I was finished Smoke agreed to help me out. I knew Devin wouldn't like being locked up for his entire Spring Break so instead I decided to have him followed, maybe I was going overboard but if anything happened to Devin I was probably going to end jail because I'll kill someone over him and Cam......even if the person was my own cousin.

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