Enzo 62

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Since my talk with Khalil I've been doing a lot of soul searching to figure out why it was so hard for me to express myself, it was like I either shutdown or exploded without any middle ground between the two and lately I've been shutting down a lot. I walked around my house and saw Legacy sitting on the couch watching t.v. and I smiled, dude was really special and he held my heart with a firm grasp, it was easy for me to express myself when I was with him but everyone else....... I heard the door open and Cardo walked in with his mad at the world expression on his face, I knew he wasn't feeling the job he got but it was better than nothing. Maybe I should let him go out and have a good time since he's actually been on his best behavior since the whole Zyshaun/ Vic incident even though he has been..... I'm trying to find a good word for it,  obsessing is too harsh maybe fantasizing..... yeah he's been fantasizing a lot about Tion, which I was still trying to figure out.  I walked in front of the tv and looked at Legacy and Ricardo who was still sulking.

"So I was thinking we should all go out tonight, we don't spend enough time together and we've all been working hard I think we need a break." I said looking at both of them.

"I'm down but let me go take a shower, I smell like syrup and minimum wage." Cardo said walking upstairs, I looked at Legacy and saw the look in his eyes.

"You're not coming are you?" I said sadly. Legacy face looked guilty but adamant about his decision.

"Lorenzo you know I would love to go out with you but I promised to help Devin study and on top of that I really think you need to spend some time with Cardo, I'm not trying to be a dick but y'all barely do anything together and that's probably why he's been acting out. In all the times I've talked to him I realized that you aunt.... his mother never really paid much attention to him so he went to find it elsewhere, I feel like if you keep ignoring him then he'll just keep doing what he's been doing." Legacy said and I was stuck, damn everything he said made perfect sense.

"Damn...... I've never thought of it like that. Damn.... that's why I love you not just smart but sexy as well. Even though I'll miss you tonight I get what you're saying." I said moving closer and standing between his legs.

"Maybe tonight you can tell me all about it." Legacy said leaning forward to kiss me, our lips were dangerously close to touching when the door opened and Devin walked in with Cam right behind him.

"Alright there's enough of that, wassup up Uncle Enzo." Devin said jumping on my couch like he'd lost his damn mind.

"I'ma beat your ass if you jump on my couch again, but I guess Khalil told y'all about Noah." I said smiling, I was wondering how long he was going to wait to tell them.

"Yeah he told us last night..... I can't wait to meet him from what Khalil told us he seems like a handful maybe he can help us pull some pranks on y'all." Devin said laughing. I just shook my head because I could see Devin was already plotting to make Noah a little monster, I walk upstairs to get ready to go out with Cardo trying to figure out what we were going to tonight.

Two hours later we were at Dave and Buster's pretty much just sitting at the table eating but not saying anything, he still wouldn't open up to me and even though it was frustrating I couldn't really blame him because I had a issue with opening up to people as well. Finally after sitting at the table for about an hour without saying I decided to just go for it.

"So how's work?" I asked lamely.

"It's coo despite the fact that I constantly smell like syrup and most people tip horribly, but on the plus side I get to see a lot of sexy people, get a few numbers and I'm making money so I can't really complain." Cardo said picking at his wings.

"Oh......" I said weakly, this wasn't going the way I hoped maybe I need to come at this at a different angle. "What's the deal with your infatuation with Tion?" I asked just as he was taking a drink and almost choked.

"What?!? What are you talking about I'm not thinking about that dude." Cardo said stuttering. I looked at him and tried not to laugh.

"Cardo don't play with me, when I was cleaning after class I went in your room and uh....... your laptop was open and I...... fuck it I was being nosy and I saw that you turned your desktop background into a picture of Tion and not just any pic it was from the ESPN Body Issue, so what's the deal you got a crush on that nigga?" I said smiling.

"Nosy fuck...... but yeah I think I do, when he came over Khalil's house a couple weeks ago I couldn't take my eyes off him and I couldn't speak.... me of all people his smile threw me off my game, his voice is like a song that I can't get outta my head. I've never had that happened to me before and now the few times I've saw him since then I leave the room or just pretend to be on my phone it's crazy." Cardo stressed.

"Cardo it's coo to have a crush on someone but Tion isn't..... I mean I don't he's." I tried to find the right words but Cardo found them for me.

"He's not gay, I know and that's usually not an issue for me I can usually talk my way into anyone's bed...... but him." Cardo broke off and shook his head."To be honest Enzo I didn't think I was going to like it down here, but seeing you and Legacy, Devin and Blaze, Cam and Liberty, and especially Khalil and Marcus..... it's making me change my views on relationships. And I'm starting to think that maybe they're not as bad as I originally thought. And then there's the other two....." Cardo said before breaking off.

"You mean Zyshaun and Vic?" I asked trying to hide my irritation, even though me and Zy were cool again I didn't appreciate him fucking my little cousin.

"Yeah....... Vic keeps calling even though I told him not to and Zyshaun won't even talk to me it's like whenever he walks into a room that I'm in he turns around and leaves right back out or if we have to be in the same room I'll see him staring at me out the corner of my eye. It's just confusing......" Cardo said.

"Cardo I'm not going to sit here and try to make you feel better about yourself, because you're the reason that you are in this mess in the first place. Now the Vic issue is an easy fix, whenever you get off work tomorrow I'll take you to get a new phone and as for Zy....... well you gotta look at from his point of view, he's never been with a dude before and between you and me though he'll never admit it I think he liked and I'm not saying I'm thrilled about y'all but you could do a lot worse. But you should probably find someone your own age." I said honestly.

"Hi Pot, I'm Kettle." Cardo said laughing and I had to admit he got me.

"Me and Legacy are completely different Legacy is a lot more mature than you, so don't bring my dude up again." I said smiling.

"Legacy not that different from me, I've the stories about how he used to be from him and man I thought I was bad." Cardo said laughing still.

"Whatever you ready to get outta here?" I asked, Cardo nodded and we left. Even though it wasn't much I felt like we were starting to make progress hopefully by the time he went back to Columbus he was a changed man but only time will tell........

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