Zyshaun 36

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I was sitting in my office doing paperwork, bored outta my mind. I kept looking at the clock, counting down the hours until I had to pick up Mama Angela from the airport..... some people have been wondering about the relationship between me and Marcus's mom, the tabloids even thought we were dating but it was nothing like that. She's actually been helping me with some unresolved issues I had with my own 'mom' and even though she was sexy as fuck for a woman of her age I would never do anything with her, I wasn't into the whole cougar thing... but if I was she'd be getting fucked regularly. I finished up with all my work and decided to call it a day, I hadn't been to the gym in a week and I was starting to feel fat. I got up and started to walk out the door when Khalil walked in but he wasn't alone, he had an old white man it him and a briefcase in his hand. My eyes met with Khalil's and I knew this wasn't a social visit, I leaned up against my desk and smiled politely, even though I had no idea why he was here.

"Khalil I'm glad you're here I need to get your opinion on somethings that I've been thinking about concerning........" I started to say but Khalil stopped me.

"I'm not here for all that....... here." He said handing my some papers. "I give you a brief rundown of what those papers are, it's basically me signing over my part of the company to you. I want you to take my name off of any and all documents  with me listed as part owner, I'm not asking for any money... I just don't feel that I'm fit to be owner of the company I'm more focused on football I'll just hold you back." Khalil said. I looked at Khalil and the old man, who I guess was his lawyer and smirked.

"Can you excuse me and my brother for a second." I asked turning on the fireplace in my office. The old man looked at Khalil who nodded and then he walked out the room, once the door closed behind him I took the papers and threw them in the fireplace.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK?!" Khalil yell running over to me, as soon as he was close enough I punched him dead in the face, causing him to stumble but not fall. "AHH FUCK!" Khalil said holding his nose.

"Are you fucking stupid?" I asked calmly. Khalil looked at me with anger and confusion. "Do you really believe that I would accept that bullshyt?" I asked.

"Zy I'm tired of all the plots and schemes, the other day Marcus talked to Kadeem and he said some things that didn't exactly paint you in the best light. He told Marcus that you were trying to get me, Cam and Devin out the way so you could be sole owner of the company.... I just don't wanna deal with anymore plots and schemes." Khalil said wiping the small trickle of blood from his nose.

"Yeah that settles it, you're fucking stupid." I said smiling, Khalil still had that angry and confused look on his face, so I knew I had to clear things up for him. "Khalil if I wanted you or your brothers out the way then you and I both know that I would go about it in a completely different way..... I prefer to let you know I'm coming, like I did with Vic and like I did with those fuck boys Marvin and Marius, I don't hide in the shadows when I want something done I let you know about it. Now about bitch ass Kadeem has it ever crossed your mind that maybe he was lying? He tends to do that a lot." I said walking over to the bar and pouring myself a drink.

"How was it that Young Mon started dating Devin's ex without you knowing about it?" Khalil asked.

"Nigga you know I don't pay attention to who another man is fucking in his free time, but when I found out, I sent him back to Boston..... that and the fact that I wanted him to get back to roots musical. Look I can keep explaining myself or I can show you what I really found out about Kadeem." I said walking to safe I had behind a painting.

"Safe behind a painting...... very original." Khalil said sitting in my seat.

"Fuck you...... but look here's everything I've been able to find on Kadeem since my last encounter with him. As you can see you and your pops seem to have the same taste in women." I said showing him a picture of Kadeem and Roseline in a passionate embrace. "This picture was taken not to long after New Year's, and this one here shows Kadeem walking into Vic's apartment building. But here's the kicker, you know how Kadeem told you that he owned his own company? Well after doing some digging I found out that your dad is more reckless with his money than you are..... he wanted to get back to his old ways but got caught up with the wrong people now his company his failing, his money is all but dried up and he owes a lot of money to some really fucked up people." I said pouring us both drinks.

"Money....... it's always about money. Why didn't he just come to me?" Khalil asked.

"Because he knew y'all weren't on the best terms for him to be asking for close 50 million, I think his game plan was to break you and Marcus up knowing that your sensitive ass, wouldn't be able to deal with it, he planned to be there for you to soften you up a little hoping you grow closer and you wouldn't realize he was funneling money out of you account. Which is where Julius and Roseline came in.......... they were suppose to drive you and Marcus apart but it didn't have the desired effect it pushed y'all closer together. Vic was the fall back plan in case one of them fail, I still don't know what the endgame is but with a little more time I could find out this is just everything I found out so far."

"How the hell does he get 50 million dollars in debt? From the size of his house and by the car that he drives he doesn't have 5 million dollars to lose let alone 50 million." Khalil said.

"Like I said the people he was involved in aren't exactly the best people in the world...... though I do find them entertaining and I can see that look in your eyes and I know what you're planning, but let me handle this Lil..... just focus on your wedding and listen Khalil I would never turn my back on you and you never have to question my loyalty again...... so are we good?" I asked sticking my hand out.

"Nah we not......" Khalil said, he stood up and punched me in the face. "Aight now we good." He said smiling.

"You know you're the only person that can get away with something like that....... well and Marcus, just don't tell him that." I said rubbing my jaw. "Now about what I was going to say earlier, I wanted your opinion on something concerning Devin. Those beats he made for Young Mon were ridiculous and I got this artist that I think could really benifit from Devin's musical touch." I said.

"Aight I'll talk to him but Zy what are you planning in regards to Kadeem?" Khalil asked.

"The less you know the better....... now if you'll kindly get the fuck outta my office I gotta go pick up Marcus's mom from the airport." I said smiling. We talked to Khall's lawyer and explained that Khalil changed his mind before walking out the building.

"What the hell is going on with y'all two?" Khalil asked smiling.

"Don't worry about it little bro." I said with a smirk on my face, that was something for him and Marcus to talk about. We walked out to the parking garage and I watched as Khalil walked to my car and get in the passenger seat, I shook my head got in my car and sped off. Kadeem was playing a dangerous game with the one person in this world I would give my life for but if he wanted to play then I was the perfect opponent. As I was driving to the airport my phone started ringing I looked down and saw that it was Marcus's mom calling and I smiled. "Wassup?"

"Boy where are you at, got me standing here waiting like some corner prostitute." She said agitated.

"I'm on my way give me like ten minutes. Khalil's with me so if you wanna know why I'm late it's his fault." I said glancing at Khalil out the corner of my eye and I saw him flip me of and laugh.

"Aight well hurry up." She said hanging up, I smiled and shook my head and looked out my mirror as I switched lanes and noticed a black GMC following not to far behind us, I got off at my exit and the GMC did the same thing, I sped up and they did too..... okay we were being followed but by who?

Homecoming Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now