Enzo 44

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Was this really Khalil? Was this really the man that grew up with, the man that I fought beside, the man that's been my best friend and brother for over 25 years? As I watched Khalil I tried to comprehend what I was witnessing, Khalil didn't hold back he knew that Sa'vion couldn't go to the police because he was wanted for trying to kill Devin. Khalil was trying to send a message to Kadeem through Sa'vion and I honestly felt sorry for dude because his face was almost unrecognizable, as Khalil continuously punched him..... What scared me the most was the look of absolute pleasure in Khalil's eyes every time his fist connected with Sa'vion's face, Zyshaun stood in the corner with an evil smile across his face, he was enjoying this..... I couldn't watch this anymore, I felt like I was going to be sick, I walked out of the building where they had brought Sa'vion and threw up..... a few minutes later Zyshaun walked out and looked at me.

"Gonzo I know you don't approve of this and the only reason why you're here is too make sure Khalil doesn't go too far...... but you need to realize this is completely necessary, if Khalil didn't let this out soon there's no telling what he would've done. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm not enjoying this because I am and everything that Khalil is doing is exactly what Sa'vion deserves for what he did to Devin." Zyshaun said looking in my eyes.

"And what if y'alls plan doesn't work what if Sa'vion decides fuck it and goes to the police? Then you and Khalil will both end up in jail, and I'll have to explain to Marcus what happened." I said pissed.

"It's not what you know it's what you can prove Gonzo, as of right now I have at least 50 people ready to say that you, me, and Khalil were all at a fundraiser event with a few politicians, cops, and celebrities. Who's going to believe Sa'vion anyways?" Zyshaun said smiling.

"I guess you got it all figured out huh?" I said glaring at him.

"Money talks, bullshyt runs a marathon. But look we should get back in there to make sure 'our' brother doesn't kill the kid." Zyshaun said walking away, reluctantly I followed behind bracing myself for what I was about to see.........


I had to admit this dude was a lot tougher than I thought after beating his ass for about five hours he still refused to talk. I was almost impressed.... almost. I heard the door open as Zyshaun and Enzo walked back into the room, but I was too focused on Sa'vion. He looked up at me and smirked just as I was about to punch him again...... this was getting us nowhere, I thought as I grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off my face besides he wasn't the person I really wanted.

"If you're tired Lil I'll be more than happy to take over for you, truthfully I still feel like I owe him for that little cheap shot he got on me at the apartment." Zyshaun said cracking his knuckles. I looked at Sa'vion who's eyes got big..... oh I get it he wasn't afraid of me, maybe because he knew that even though I was pissed I wouldn't do more than beat his ass but he also knew Zyshaun had no limits to what he'd do. Zyshaun walked over and punched Sa'vion so hard I heard Sa'vion's jaw shatter.

"O...kay." Sa'vion said so quietly that I had to lean down to hear him, before he spoke again he spit out blood and what appeared to be a tooth. I glanced at Enzo and he looked like he was about to be sick, I shook my head and focused back on Sa'vion who was struggling to speak. "Un..... cle....... De......em...... made..... me....... you.... were........ nev........er......... suppos.....ed to..... find...... Dev.....in. He...... mess..ed..... up the........ who......le plan." Sa'vion choked out. I looked at Enzo who was now staring at Sa'vion with renewed interest, what did Sa'vion mean that I wasn't supposed to find Devin.

"Speak up pussy." Zyshaun said kicking Sa'vion in the ribs. Sa'vion collapsed on the ground coughing and Enzo grabbed Zyshaun pulling him back.

"Rose......line...... she...... she knew........ who Devin...... was when...... she..... first saw...... him. She...... knew..... you were....... part.... owner..... and thought...... if y'all got...... together, you'd eventually...... marry her...... but she didn't count on Mar.....cus." Sa'vion said.

"Alright so where does Kadeem fit into all this?" I asked curiously.

"Who...... do you...... think.... sent...... her....... to..... work...... for...... Zyshaun? Uncle....... Deem....... never...... lost track..of you..... or Devin..... he knows..... a lot..... more.... than......... you think." Sa'vion passed out before he could finish talking but I need to know more, an unsettling cold started to make it's way into my stomach, I walked over and grabbed him off the ground and started smacking him trying to get him to wake up.

"Where is he at now? Where is Kadeem" I asked my voice as cold as steel, the smirk on Sa'vion's face started to confirm my worst fears.

" On...... his way...... to......" Sa'vion said letting out a small laugh, before he could  I lifted him off the ground and started trying to choke the life outta him.

"KHALIL LET HIM GO!" Enzo said running over and trying to pry my hands from around his neck but he wasn't as strong as I was, I barely even noticed Sa'vion's weak attempts to remove my hands or Enzo's desperate pleas for me to stop..... but I couldn't stop not until I felt Sa'vion life slowly slip away.


I looked at Zyshaun for some type of help because I could see it in Khalil's eyes he was planning on killing Sa'vion, Zyshaun looked at me and shrugged letting me know I was on my own. I knew I was going to regret this but it had to be done, I jumped on Khalil's back and put him in a choke hold, pressing to fingers on a pressure point in his neck instantly he dropped Sa'vion and I could feel him trying to fight but it was futile, after a few seconds Khalil's body went limp and I lowered him to the grow gently. Khalil would only be out for a minute or two so I needed to move quickly.

"Zyshaun we need to get Khalil outta here and we need to get Sa'vion some help. Because despite what he's done he doesn't deserve to die." I said looking at Zyshaun. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he finally pulled out his phone. Khalil sat up and looked at me.

"Enzo why did you stop me." Khalil asked his eyes peering into my soul.

"Because I know you're not this person, look we can talk about this later but right now what's important is that we let Marcus and them know what's going on." I said helping him to his feet.

"But we don't know what's going on Zo, Sa'vion never finished telling us where Kadeem was at." Khalil said as we both stood looking at Sa'vion.

"I think we both know where he's headed Khalil....." I said quietly, Khalil nodded then looked at Zyshaun.

"If I leave him here with you, can you promise that you won't kill him?" He asked Zyshaun, who look like he was going through a serious internal struggle before finally nodding.

"He'll be fine I actually got a doctor friend of mine on their way, but I'll look after him." He said nudging the knocked out Sa'vion with his foot, I saw the slightest movement so I knew he was alive. Khalil gave Zyshaun a hug before walking out. "I won't hurt the kid Gonzo....." Zyshaun said smiling devilishly. I ran out after Khalil who was already halfway out the door. We didn't speak until we were on the highway I could feel Khalil's anger coming off of him in waves.

"I'm glad you were there Zo, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't...... thanks. I'm definitely going to fuck you up for the judo shyt you did but I understand why you did it." Khalil said his hand shaking on the steering wheel.

"Yeah right..... look I'm about to call and tell Marcus and them we're coming to get them, Kadeem could already be halfway there and they need to leave now." I said.

"Okay we need to hurry and get back to my place, this car isn't fast enough to get us to the cabin." Khalil said and I nodded slowly, I pulled my phone out and tried to call Legacy but no answer, I tried Marcus, then Cam, the Devin..... I tried all of them but there was no answer, my heart was pounding in my chest, could Kadeem have beat us there?  We were getting closer to Khalil's house when we finally heard from Liberty they were safe and they didn't have there phones because the were out back making s'mores or some shyt, I told her to give the phone to Marcus and explained some of what was going on, Marcus quickly understood and told them to start packing. My heart was starting to go back to normal until we turned on Khalil's street and saw a black GMC sitting in the driveway........

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