Devin 66

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I was laying across Torian's bed with him sitting next to me our legs were crossed, we had been sitting like this for almost three hours and I was ready to leave. Torian was helping me study for my Black Power Movement Course and even though I wasn't failing my grades could've been a lot better, something of which he reminded me of every chance he got, in fact I've been on something of a punishment with him since he saw my last test score and he refused to have sex with me until I brought the 'D' up to at least a 'B'. My mind drifted off to my nephew Noah..... I loved little dude and couldn't wait til he came back down here, Cam thought he was evil incarnate but I found him to be hilarious and though I was kinda jealous that he thought Torian was the coolest person he'd ever met, I was caught up in thinking of what we were going to do next time he came down here that I didn't realize Torian was asking me a question until hit me in the arm hard ass fuck.

"Ahh that the hell was that for?" I asked rubbing my arm. Torian looked at me like I was stupid then hit me again. "Ahh what the hell is wrong with you?" I said looking at him.

"Devin I've been asking you the same question for like five minutes and you've been ignoring me, damn pay attention so we can get done with this already." He said seriously.

"Damn my bad babe, I'm tired as fuck we've been here like three hours and it's getting harder to focus....... maybe we need to take a quick break." I said rubbing his leg and smiling but he push my hand away and picked the book up again. "Can I at least get a kiss?" I said focusing on his juicy lips. He started smiling then leaned forward I moved close to him and as soon as our lips were about to touch he pushed me away and started laughing.

"Focus Devin." He said looking away to laugh, then he faced me again. "Aight here's the deal if you can answer the next fifteen questions correctly we can take a break, okay?" He said taking my hat off my head and turning it around.

"Okay fine." I said looking at him. Thankfully he gave me all easy question, or maybe they were easy because I was actually motivated to get done but we finished and decided to go get something to eat. "Ayy you got some aspirin, I'm starting to get a headache?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Nah go ask Shoo....... but what do you want to eat?" Torian asked going through the cabinets.

"I don't care just fix something quick so we can finish studying." I said grabbing a bottle of water and walking into the living room where Shoo Shoo was sitting on the couch with a blunt hanging out of his mouth and playing 2K with Will. "Ayy fuckboy you got some aspirin?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah go check on my dresser." Shoo Shoo said without looking up, I walked to his room and opened the door....... why did his room always smell like sex and why was it always dark? I could barely see but I manged to find something that felt like a pill bottle I used my phone and saw that the bottle said aspirin and took the pill with my water. I got back into the kitchen to find Torian had made me a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

"Aww my baby knows my favorite sandwich." I said walking over and kissing him on the cheek.

"Let's eat so we can get back to studying." Torian said smiling. We went went back to his room and everything was going good until my dick got hard....... I'm not talking a normal boner, this was something I've never felt before like I was really horny to the point that it was almost impossible to focus..... and it was really hot....... why was it so damn hot? I took my shirt off and looked at Torian damn he was sexy as fuck....... stop focus Dev........ fuck it I leaned in and kissed Torian who resisted at first but got more into it as we went along. I swept everything off the bed and pulled his shirt off.

"Damn I'm horny ass fuck." I said biting down on his lip and pulling his basketball shorts off, I looked at his long dick and licked my lips. "Can I?" I asked looking in his brown eyes.

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