Part 1

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Okay, so I have asked you about a sequel for a story ages ago and I just about planned out the whole sequel to Why Not?, so I decided to go with that. I hope you like it!

February, 2016

The honeymoon was way too short for Stevie's liking. It seemed like she and Jeremy just left their wedding reception, being driven to the airport, going to Hawaii for several weeks and here they were now, having spent a few days at home already.

Stevie would have gladly prolonged the honeymoon, but she had made a promise to her fellow Fleetwood Mac bandmates that she would contribute to the new, so widely rumored album. Mick, of course, wanted to get it out as soon as possible, because he was already busy making plans for the next tour, during which they could promote it.

Before she knew it, it was time to get ready for the first day back in studio. 

"Wakey wakey!" Jeremy entered the bedroom, with a breakfast tray in his hands, but he received no response from Stevie whatsoever. "Come on, Stevie, it's really time for you to wake up. I let you sleep for as long as possible."

"Don't wanna." She mumbled from under the covers.

"I cooked breakfast, I brought coffee too." 

He saw her slip her hand out, as she said. "Give me."

Laughing, Jeremy shook his head. "I'm not exactly sure how you could drink it this way." Hearing an exaggerated sigh first, he then saw her coming out of her cocoon she had slept in. "There you go! Wasn't so hard, was it?"

"You can go to hell."

"Yeah, I love you, too." Jeremy smiled, giving her a brief kiss, before placing the tray with food over her lap. "You're really cute, you know, when you're trying to act all mad."

"Oh, you want mad?"

"No, dear God, no!" He held his hands up in defense, before he burst out laughing. "Right, you eat, get ready, and while you're at it, I'll go make some phone calls."

Once Jeremy left, Stevie lay back down and closed her eyes for a few minutes, shaking her head, as she sat up, knowing she really had to get up. It was past 11 am and she was supposed to meet the band at 1 pm. 

After finishing her coffee and the omelette Jeremy made for her, Stevie went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, as she then looked through her closet for something to wear, lately, more and more shying away from her usual "uniform", Jeremy always giving her the confidence she used to lack. Before dressing up, she blow dried her hair and applied minimal makeup. 

As Jeremy was climbing up the stairs, Stevie appeared at the top, surprising him. "Wow, you listened to me?"

Giving him a look, she walked downstairs with him. "I know you'll wait for me, but I really don't want anyone from the band to start bitching on the first day of us being back together, working."

"Well, whatever gets you out of bed." Shrugging, he put his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Got everything you need?"

"I think so." Stevie nodded, still looking through things in her bag, while Jeremy waited, spinning his car keys around a finger. "Yeah, everything's here." Opening the door, Jeremy let Stevie go through first, as he followed and stopped to lock it.  

On their way, Stevie asked Jeremy about his plans for the day, if he was going to be busy and if she should call Karen to come pick her up, once she was done with Fleetwood Mac or he could come himself. He said she shouldn't worry and he was going to have his phone near, ready to bring her home whenever she was. 

When they arrived, Jeremy took Stevie's hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it, before she leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "I'll see you later."

"You have no choice." He joked, making her smile. "Have a good day. I love you."

"Love you, too."

Almost as soon as Stevie was out of the car, she heard that familiar British accent, calling her name, as she spun around, opening her arms. "Christine!"

The two hugged tightly, then drew back, holding each other at arm's length. "Look at you! You've got some sun!"

Stevie laughed, nodding. "A little, yes."

"Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"You too, I've already missed you." 

Still chatting, the two women entered the building, hand in hand, going to where they had to meet up with Mick, John and Lindsey. Stevie couldn't lie and say she was totally relaxed going in, the whole thing with Lindsey, Kristen finding out, then them drifting apart... She wasn't completely over it yet, doubtful if she ever would be, not because she wasn't completely happy with Jeremy, but because she couldn't stop herself from thinking how badly she and Lindsey truly had messed up and the consequences could have have been way worse.

At last reunited with the rest of the band, after a round of greetings, the five settled down and began discussing the plan for the day, Lindsey unable not to steal glances at Stevie and her, trying to ignore every single one.

As they were pretty much ready to get down to work, Stevie's phone started ringing and she excused herself, seeing it was Jeremy. 

"Missed me already?" She asked, smirking. 

"Steph, I got the call."

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