Part 25

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Everything that happened in Stevie's life over the course of the past couple of months, greatly slowed down the recording of the new Fleetwood Mac album. She didn't choose to go through all of that and she hoped the band understood. As an apology and a thank you for their patience, Stevie invited Mick, John and Christine for a small get together. She was relieved when neither of them hesitated, accepting her invitation. The three were in for a shock; they knew Stevie had a little girl now, but they didn't know much of the rest.

Having dressed up already, Stevie took a moment to be by herself. As of this morning, she was no longer married to Jeremy. Both parties were in  an agreement, they had no children together, so it resulted in a very quick divorce. It made Stevie both, happy and a little upset. She was happy, because she was finally able to be with Lindsey as a real couple, there was not one reason why they should hide from anyone anymore. Although, she was also sad, closing a chapter of her life, which not that long ago seemed like the fairy tale she has always wanted. 

Looking down at the two rings in particular she still had on her finger, for some reason, Stevie traveled back to the time of when they met...

Fleetwood Mac had just wrapped up their tour in North America and Stevie wanted to do nothing but stay at home and rest, especially knowing that in just a couple of months they were leaving for Europe. Having just drawn herself a bath and opened a bottle of wine, Stevie began undressing to soak into those inviting bubbles, but the phone started ringing and picking up she found out it was Lori. "We should celebrate!", her backup singer and a long time friend said. At first, Stevie was having none of it, but after some serious persuading she gave in. 

They went to a club, out of all places, but Lori promised it wasn't one of those places youngsters hung out at, quite the opposite. One drink after another, Stevie started to loosen up and finally enjoy herself. Then out of nowhere, a friend, someone she knew from the industry, appeared, exclaiming once he saw her, nearly crushing her in his embrace.

"Stevie! My God, it's been ages!"

Returning his hug, she flashed him a bright smile. "Yes, it most certainly has! You look fantastic, Gary."

"Oh, thanks, but really, I should be telling you that. You do not change, Stevie, at all. Gorgeous as ever!" 

She waved it off, blushing slightly. "Remember Lori?"

"Of course." Gary greeted Lori as well, as the two hugged briefly. "I'd like to introduce you two to a good friend of mine, Jeremy."


At some point during the evening, Stevie and Jeremy were left alone. She was getting increasingly drunk, becoming very handsy, too. Jeremy wasn't against her attention at all, but he was a lot sober, so he didn't want her to think he took advantage of her, when they woke up together in bed. The fact he told her that, instead of taking her back to his place, spoke volumes to her, that's why Stevie contacted him again. 

They did kiss, however. Jeremy called a car and first gave the driver Stevie's address, once he managed to get it out of her. She took his hand, needing all the help in the world to get out of that car, as she then gripped onto him tighter, seeing those steps up, leading to her front door. She invited him in, but he said no, instead he captured her lips, holding her close to himself, kissing her the way she hadn't been kissed in far too long. "A glimpse of what's to come," Jeremy said, then pecked her on the lips once more and left.

Sighing, Stevie smiled to herself. For that relatively short period of time, she truly was happy with Jeremy and it was unfortunate that things ended the way they did. Focusing on her engagement and wedding rings once more, she took a deep breath and finally took them off. 

Thinking that Stevie was gone for quite a while now, Lindsey climbed up the stairs and went towards the bedroom. He stopped, seeing her sitting on the bed, facing away. He knocked on the doorway and she turned to look at him. He could tell what was on her mind.

"You okay, baby?" Lindsey gave her a small smile, kneeling in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"Now I am." Stevie nodded. "I just needed some time to think about it, you know." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I get it, it's fine." Pressing a kiss to both of her hands, Lindsey then said. "You don't have your rings on anymore."

"I just took them off. It feels weird." She hung her head, not wanting Lindsey to see that she had tears in her eyes, thinking it might upset him, the fact she was crying for her failed marriage. "I wanted to wear it so badly, you know, a wedding ring. I was proud to show it off, to let people know that someone loved me enough to want to spend their life with me."

"Steph, it's okay to cry about this." Lindsey brought his hand up to her face, tilting her chin up, so they were looking at each other. "I understand and this isn't hurting me. I know you need time to heal."

"I love you so much." She smiled at him tearfully. "You are so good to me."

"Because I love you so much, too." Standing up and placing the palms of his hands on the sides of her face, he lowered his lips onto hers for a moment. "I can let you in on a little secret." Lindsey dried her tears, saying. 

"Oh really? And what is that?" She smiled weakly.

"I think you're going to be wearing a ring on that finger pretty soon."

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