Part 5

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About a month went by, everything was falling into places, Stevie was also adjusting to the new rhythm of her life pretty well. During the past couple of weeks she was also more or less a visitor at the studio, recording her parts on her own as well as Lindsey and Christine's songs. She was really happy about being able to find that balance between her family life and her career, which was the thing she was worried about the most. 

Since things were going so well, Jeremy wanted for him and Stevie to have a date night, because they welcomed Lily into their home almost immediately after getting married and while they knew this was to be expected, they really hadn't spent that much time as husband and wife. So, he called Lori, knowing Stevie trusted her, and asked her to look after Lily for the evening. Lori said, she would be more than glad to do so. 

Lori was just about to arrive and Stevie was still applying her makeup, because she spent too much time stressing about leaving Lily with someone else, even if that someone else was her friend for decades. Jeremy walked into the bedroom, seeing Lily on their bed coloring, while Stevie was seemingly adding the finishing touches on her appearance. 

"Do I look alright?" She asked, looking at him through the mirror.

"You know you look way better than just alright." Approaching her from the back, Jeremy placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. "Lori called, she's only a few minutes away."

"I'm not sure I can do this..." Stevie whispered, turning around to face Jeremy, who knelt in front of her.

"Yes, you can. We're going out for a couple of hours and then we'll be back, and you'll find Lily sleeping peacefully in her bed..." He lowered his voice. "... and then you and I will go to bed, too." He winked, as she smiled, giving him a brief kiss. 

"You're so good at convincing me."

"Oh? Well, I'll think of things I can convince you to do later." Stevie was about to reply, but they heard the doorbell and Jeremy left the bedroom, jogging down the stairs to let Lori in. 

Telling everything Lori had to know, Stevie and Jeremy said goodbye to her and Lily, Stevie especially taking a long time with the girl, and then they were on the way to the restaurant, where Jeremy had booked a table for them. He knew Stevie wasn't particularly at ease, but thinking once she had a glass or two, the anxiety would go away and they could enjoy their evening together.

Meanwhile, back at their home, Lori was having quality time with Lily. She, of course, had visited numerous times before, but the girl was a little shy, always needing Stevie near, concentrating on her whereabouts if she wasn't already on her lap more than answering someone's question. 

"What are you drawing?" Lori asked, after they had dinner and she washed the dishes, returning to Lily in the living room. 


Lori smiled, sitting down on the couch with a cup of tea. Even though Lily wasn't Stevie's biological daughter, but the bond that had developed between the two was incredibly strong. They clearly needed each other in their lives and knowing of Stevie's struggles in the past, Lori couldn't have been happier for her friend.

"You love your Mommy a lot, huh, little one?"

"A lot a lot." Lily nodded. 

Seeing how concentrated the girl was on her drawing, Lori let her be, turning on the TV, switching the channels, as she tried to find something watchable. Although, not much later, the doorbell rang, causing Lori to frown, thinking of who it might be. 

"I'll be right back, honey." She told Lily before leaving the room.

It was almost eight o'clock and Stevie hadn't mentioned anything about any visitors. Reaching the door, Lori checked who it was and she was relieved it was just Lindsey, though, she wasn't really expecting him either. 

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