Part 19

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"Will you be here when I wake up?" Lily asked, while Lindsey was tucking her into bed later that evening. 

"Uh, well..." He faked a cough, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, sweetheart. I don't... live here."

"Why not?" Lily had another question, which put Lindsey into a tough position. Standing up straight, he ran a hand through his hair, thinking of how to answer best. 

"Linds?" He then heard, facing the door to see Stevie standing, who heard what her daughter wanted to know and decided to help Lindsey out, despite how amusing it was. "I really need you to help me, please? You go downstairs and I'll be right there."

"Sure." He nodded and mouthed on his way out. "Thank you." 

"Mommy, why doesn't Lindsey live here?"

"Oh, jeez." Stevie muttered to herself, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "It's too late to stay up talking, little miss. It's time for you to close those beautiful, but tired eyes and dream of pretty things, okay?" Kissing Lily goodnight, Stevie turned the bedside lamp on and stood up. 

"I'll dream of you."

"And I'll dream of you." She smiled, giving the girl one more kiss, before heading out of the room, closing the door, but not completely. 

Returning to the kitchen, where she had a platter of snacks prepared, Stevie found Lindsey already putting them into his mouth, thinking he was by himself. "Am I seriously going to have to scold you like a small child?"

"I'm forry." He mumbled with a mouthful, as she chuckled and shook her head. 

"Come on, let's get comfortable. It's been one hell of a day."

Entering the living room, Stevie put the platter down on the coffee table, while Lindsey carried in a bottle of wine with two glasses, setting them down as well. There was one thing Stevie was missing to achieving the atmosphere she had wanted.

"Could you light up the fire?"

"Whose?" Lindsey smirked, opening the wine.

It took Stevie a moment, because she was not expecting that. "What has gotten into you tonight, Mr. Buckingham?"

"I'm just in a good mood, I'm... I'm happy to be here with you, that's all." After filling up the glasses, he then walked over to the fireplace. "Are we going to listen to something?"

"What would you like?" Taking a sip of wine, Stevie went to her records, still her glass in one hand, the other on her hip. "Lindsey?" 

"I- I'm sorry." He stuttered, swallowing uneasily. "I don't really care to be honest. Just, not Tom Petty, please."

She laughed lightly. "Okay, okay. Um..." Bending over, she was looking through her collection, eventually getting to... "Buckingham Nicks? They're not too bad." She took their album, looking at the cover then at Lindsey. "I haven't heard any of it for so long. Actually, if I'm honest... I didn't even know I had it still."

Coming up from behind her, Lindsey just naturally put his arm around her waist, taking over the record, studying it somewhat. "Even if we were dirt poor, those were the best of times." He sighed, a sad smile crossing his lips. "I probably don't express it enough, but I was extremely grateful. If not for you, I wouldn't have stood a chance to continue living in LA. I probably would have come home and maybe gotten seriously into sports instead." He wasn't looking at the whole picture, simply focusing on her. "You were the most beautiful girl." He then glanced at her. "You are the most beautiful woman."

"Lindsey, stop..." Stevie touched his arm, her eyes filled with tears. "I don't want to cry tonight."

"Forgive me for upsetting you."

"I'm not upset, just... everything you've said..." Cocking her head back, she took a deep breath. "Put the record on, will you? I'll be gone just a minute." She gave him a small smile, then went to the bathroom to splash some cold water onto her face, needing a moment by herself.

When Stevie returned, the fire was flickering, Crying In The Night was playing and Lindsey was showing her to come sit beside him. She snuggled up to him and felt so content, she didn't even realize she was smiling.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Honestly, about nothing at all. This feels natural. I don't think we've been this close ever before."

"No, I don't think so either." Lindsey agreed, mindlessly drawing patterns on her arm with the tips of his fingers. 

"I should feel guilty, this isn't okay, when I'm married. But... I don't know. I don't know what changed, but this weekend I spent with Jeremy, it made me think. Something is different about him and I didn't enjoy being with him at all."

"Do you think it has something to do with his ex?"

"It's everything to do with her. Maybe he still loves her, I don't know." It wasn't easy to admit, but Stevie realized this could be true, because everything was just fine until Nicole made an appearance. "I don't want to talk about it, though."

"We don't have to." Lindsey said and they went silent.

Crystal started playing and Lindsey began quietly singing along, Stevie instantly feeling her throat close up and tears once again threatening to fall, but she didn't stop him, listening to him, falling in love with him deeper...

"That's always been one of my favorite songs you've ever written." Lindsey said once it finished. But when Stevie didn't reply, he tilted her chin up and saw her face being wet from crying. "Oh, baby... I'm sorry."

"You've got nothing to be sorry about." She shook her head, saying. "I don't think I can do this anymore..."

"If I did something inappropriate, then I apologize, but-"

"No, Linds. I mean, I can't deny just how deeply in love with you I still am, how much every fiber of my body is aching for you... Please, please don't say no to me." She pleaded, drifting closer, almost kissing him. 

His heart was beating out of his chest, Lindsey couldn't, even if he wanted to say no. Freeing their hands, he then cradled her face in his palms, pressing his lips against hers, lingering, until she deepened the kiss, parting her lips, brushing her tongue with his, as she moaned. Leaning against the back of the couch, he pulled her onto his lap, making her straddle him, as they continued kissing each other. The front of his jeans instantly tightened and she could feel him through the damned layers of clothes. Breaking the kiss, he pulled her blouse over her head, tossing it aside, as he then lay her down on her back, making himself comfortable in between her legs. His lips softly pressed against her neck, then traveled down to her chest, kissing her breasts through the bra she was still wearing. She pulled him back up, kissing his lips again and he used that to his advantage, as he dipped his hand into her panties, feeling her tense up, then moan into his mouth, when he started moving his fingers against her. Wanting to experience that intimate moment together, he stopped after some time to fully undress her. His own clothes followed, as he scattered them on the floor, then took his position again. 

Lying on top of her, he smiled at her and so did she, reaching for his hand, lacing their fingers together. Leaning in to capture her lips once more, at the same time, he pushed his hips forward, entering her as she gasped. She closed her eyes, but her tears still escaped, rolling down into her hair, although, he knew she wasn't sad. 

Moving slowly, without picking up pace, he made love to her like they hadn't in far too long, feeling each other on a level, they doubted they had before. He couldn't control himself either, burying his face into her neck, leaving kisses on her skin as she felt his hot tears there too. This was beyond anything they had ever experienced. 

He knew her perfectly, he understood her body language, her facial expressions, the sounds she was making... And he was right there with her, thrusting a few more times, before feeling her nails dig into his back as he silenced her with a passionate kiss.

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